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After the small council meeting Rheanyra is followed her protector, Ser Harrold Westerling into the passage that led straight to a secret pathway into the antechamber outside the throne room.

The enormous double doors leading into the throne room are shut. Two Men of the Targaryen household guard stand sentry, one posted on each side of the doors.

"He passed through the gates at first light." Ser Harrold says obviously agitated by the presence of Daemon as he stops at the large double doors with the princess.

"Does the King know he's here?" Rheanyra enquires.

"No." Ser Harrold grinds his teeth. He didn't like Daemon at all.

Yet his answer relieves Rhaenyra as she smiles. "Good. Let's not tell him."

Ser Harrold glowers. He is not one for conspiracies but he must obey the princess's command. He reluctantly pushes the door open and hold it while Rhaenyra steps into the throne room.

The throne room exists as it was and will be, but the room is decorated differently now, in Maegor reign.

Banners emblazoned with the three headed dragon hang from the ceiling. Five larger than-life statues ring the room. They are all men, representing the four preceding Targaryen kings: Aegon The Conqueror, his first son Aenys, his second son, Maegor The Cruel and his predecessor, The Old King, Jaehaerys and King Viserys the Conciliator.

The Iron Throne looms, Rheanyra stared at her father's seat, the seat is made from the swords of Aegon the Conqueror's enemies, forged in dragonfire.

Daemon Targaryen, the king's brother whom everyone knows as the rogue prince is presently lounging on the hallowed chair, one leg casually slung over the arm of the throne.

He is 30 and is fiercely handsome but not as handsome as Maegor.

He's been absent for quite some time but he's back, bathed and changed out of his City Watch uniform. Ser Harrold is visibly shocked by this treasonous act, seating on the iron throne.

"Gods be good." The knight appalled, staring at Prince Daemon.

"It's all right, Ser." Rheanyra assures him as her protector removes himself from the throne room, shutting the door to wait outside.

Rheanyra descends the thresholds and briskely strides into the room, she briefly eyed her father's statue and kept approaching the iron throne.

Rhaenyra gazes up at her uncle, who says nothing. As uncle and niece, they both share a unique relationship different from Maegor.
Since he became King and consumed with duties, Daemon and her became close, when they speak to one another, they often do so in High Valyrian.

"Sparo drīvose gaomā?" [What do you think you're doing, uncle?] Rheanyra questioned.

"Ñuhoso dēman. Kesy ñuhys dēmavos māzīlariot sinilus." [Sitting. This could well be my chair one day.] Daemon brazenly replies.

"Lo hen pāleknot statilūks, daor." [Not if you're executed for sedition.] Rheanyra mused.

Daemon stands from the throne and steps down from it. Rhaenyra rushes to embrace her uncle. He hugs her.

"Hen sŷndrāzmā qurdalbri imastō daor gaomā" [You haven't come to court in an age uncle.] Rheanyra releases herself from his embrace.

"Qurdalbar gierī tegenkor issa." [Court is so dreadfully boring.] Daemon spat.

"Sepār vēzo gō skoro syt āmastā?" [Then why come back at all?] Rheanyra asked.

"Kepa aōha yno syt kōttion pradilas, ryptan." [I heard your uncle was hosting a tournament in my honor.]

"Kōttion dāranno syt issa gaomā" [The tournament is for his heir uncle.] Rheanyra corrects him.

"Heksīr ŷdratan." [Just as I said.] Daemon countered.

"Dāranno zŷho arlio" [His new heir.] Rheanyra says cheekily.

" aōha muña trēsi sikos, jevo yrgoti zbērion. [Until your aunt brings forth a son, you are all cursed with me.]

"Sepār valonqri jaelinna." [Then I shall hope for a cousin.]

Rhaenyra makes a fanged grin at her uncle.
Daemon furrows his brow, hiding a flash of anger. He smirks, then assures shifts into the common tongue, trying to bury it.

"You've being avoiding the King these days." Rheanyra says breezily

Daemon scoffs. "And why would I avoid my own brother?"

His niece shrugs. "For any reason, I notice you two aren't quite close like you use to. It's pretty obvious uncle." Rheanyra noted.

"Whatever happens in Rome stays in Rome." Daemon replies reluctantly.

Rheanyra could denote something was wrong between both brothers, but she didn't want to push further. "How's your Lady wife?" She asked.

"She's not important right now. I brought something for you." Daemon changes the subject, trying to avoid any conversation that has to do with Rhea Rocye. He despised her and blames Viserys for matchmaking them.

Deepening his hands into his pockets, Daemon produces a small pendant on a chain. The metalwork looks like frozen smoke, a swirling tableau of gray and black. A blood-red ruby is inset in the pendant.

"It's a replica of our house colors. Do you know what it is?" Daemon enquires.

"Valyrian steel. Like Dark Sister." Rhaenyra holds the artifact and inspects it, fascinated by its beauty. Daemon touches the hilt of Dark Sister, his Valyrian steel sword.

Rheanyra tries to reach for it but Daemon pulls away.

"Turn around." He says in a cool yet stern tone, Rheanyra obeys and spins, removing the golden necklace that reared on her neck.

Daemon takes the pendant and fastens it around Rhaenyra's neck. When the clasp is secure, Rheanyra turns around to face her uncle.

Daemon traces Rhaenyra's neckline with his fingers before lifting her chin up to look at her.

"Gevie." [Beautiful.] He says in High Valyrian.

Rhaenyra smiles, basking in her uncle's dangerous glow.

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