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Later on in the afternoon, after lessons had ended with Septa Mallow, Charlotte sits in the Godswood against the white trunk of the ancient weirwood tree which is in full spring bloom.

Softly the wind brushed her locs in strands of rings, casting a pretty glow down her lashes as she read, once she switched to a familiar story in the manuscript, her mind drifted off to her late mother.

As soon as Lady Tissaia Darklyn died, her father marries again to Lady Alyrie Florent then her younger sister came into the picture, since then things changed.

Being the eldest daughter to Ser Otto Hightower, the brown haired girl, is known as dutifully, kindhearted, cunning and ambitious, there isn't a soul she hasn't charmed except that of the King.

She is a beloved maiden with many suitors asking for her hand, despite being Rheanyra's best friend, she has a complicated relationship with her younger sister Alicent who's at Old Town.

Charlotte and Alicent didn't get along quite well. Her stepmother Lady Alyrie Florent, has always said that sisters will have misunderstandings, butt heads, and settle their dispute, but Charlotte and Alicent were like the sun and moon, more like cashew nuts.

Both of them were always competing for everything, but Charlotte always outshined her, younger sister she couldn't help but view Alicent as her rival, a bluntness brute that will never reach her fingernails, not when she's father's favourite.

The two only got close after their mother became sick and died, then not too long, her father was uprooted from Old Town to serve King Jaehaerys Targaryen.

Charlotte could remember vividly, Alicent begging their father to take her to Kings Landing with him, but unfortunately he chose his favorite daughter, and before they were to depart in three days, both girl got into an animosity fight and that was the last straw of their relationship as they parted ways.

Upon arriving to court and settling in, then Rheanyra happened and they have since being best friends for ten years that she often forgets that she has a sister back Old Town.

The sun filters through red leaves in rays of orange, the oak tree's carved red face seems to stare down at Charlotte, while the cool wind blew her brown hair gently as she inhaled and exhaled.

Rheanyra comes out from the doorway leading into the Godswood where she sees her best friend looking up lost in thoughts.
She proceeds in with a bright smile on her face. "I knew I'd find you here reading." She concurs while approaching the brown haired under the weirwood tree.

Charlotte jerks, "Rheanyra!" She whimpers, then smiles wholeheartedly.

"Are you alright? I walked in and it seemed like you were lost in thoughts, is something the matter?" Rheanyra questioned as she sat down beside Charlotte staring at her face.

Charlotte pursed her lips. "It's nothing, I'm just thinking about my mother." she flips through the manuscript.

Rheanyra chuckles. "What about your half sister, aren't you missing Alicent already?"

Charlotte half smiles. "I do, I haven't seen her for ten years.... She's eighteen by now and I certainly don't know what she looks like except that she'll be a striking beauty, a resemblance of our mother." she says breezily.

Princess Rhaenyra could see the worry on her face, she strides beneath the oak weirwood tree and sits beside her best friend. "I think you should write a letter to Old Town." she suggested.

Charlotte chuckles dryly. "What would I tell her?" She looks up to the chirping birds.

Rheanyra shrugs and responds. "Anything, she's your sister isn't she?"

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