A Mysterious Figure

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Updated early just because my readers wanted it 🫶 so the next chapter target is 80+ votes and 70+ comments, I lessened the target for some of my readers who asked for double update today 😊 hit the target and get the update 😊

The air crackled with nervous energy. It was Judgment Day, and a heavy silence had descended upon the courtroom. Sunlight streamed through the high windows, casting long shadows across the polished wood floor.

At the front of the room, a stern-faced judge walked from behind a heavy oak door. He adjusted his robes and settled into his high-backed chair.

The judge looked down at a stack of files, his brow furrowed in concentration. Finally, he lifted his head "Bring forth Kim Taehyung!" he declared, putting on his thick glasses

The heavy oak doors creaked open once more, Two female police officers entered, their expressions were serious. Between them walked Taehyung. His wrists were bound by cold metal handcuffs, digging slightly into his skin.

He was led to a marked area in front of the judge's bench

As they reached the spot, Taehyung couldn't help but steal a glance towards parents who were sitting on the first bench, Their eyes were filled with a tears that tore Taehyung's heart

their faces etched with worry. Tears streamed down his mother's cheeks, while his father's jaw clenched tight, his eyes filled with a mix of disappointment and pain, he saw jimin behind his parents, his own eyes were red-rimmed and puffy.

Taehyung saw Kris and his parents were sitting there, they smirked at taehyung, kris winked at him with a chuckle, taehyung just looked away from them clenching his teeth in anger

"Let's begin the proceedings." The judge said looking at the files

All eyes turned towards Taehyung. The judge continued "Kim Taehyung, the court records indicate you are not represented by legal counsel. Do you understand your right to have an attorney present to defend you?"

Taehyung swallowed hard, his throat dry with nervousness. Taehyung met the judge's gaze and spoke in a voice barely above a whisper, "Yes, Your Honor, I understand."

The judge's expression remained unreadable "Do you then wish to proceed with defending yourself in this case?" he inquired.

Taehyung hesitated for a moment then taehyung took a deep breath gaining some confidence "Yes, Your Honor. I will fight my own case."

"Kim Taehyung, you stand accused of a grave crime. The evidence presented suggests you were caught in the act of poisoning Jeon Jungkook. How do you plead?" The judge leaned forward, his gaze sharp

Taehyung's breath hitched in his throat. His mind raced, desperately searching for a way out. He knew the truth, a truth so unbelievable it would sound like a desperate lie. He had no evidence, no witness to back up his innocence.

A lump formed in Taehyung's throat. He knew silence wouldn't be enough. He had to speak. Slowly, his voice emerged, barely a whisper, "I..." Taehyung mumbled and he looked down at his cuffed hands. "No, Your Honor,"

The judge leaned back in his chair, his gaze piercing. "Kim Taehyung," he boomed, "the accusation against you is serious. Poisoning carries a heavy sentence. why did you attempt to harm Jeon Jungkook? Was it your sole decision, or were you forced?"

Taehyung's gaze darted across the courtroom, landing on a figure in the back row. It was naina, her face stained with tears, Her gaze met his for a fleeting moment, a silent plea etched on her features

Taking a shaky breath, Taehyung met the judge's eyes as his hands trembling in fear "No, Your Honor. It was me, I take the full responsibility for my actions"

A collective gasp echoed through the room. His parents cried out, their faces a mask of disbelief and horror. Jimin's eyes widened in shock, his hand flying to his mouth. Naina, her shoulders racked with sobs, buried her face in her hands.

"Kim Taehyung," he declared, his words echoing off the walls "you have confessed to a serious crime"

"However, your confession itself stands as a damning admission of guilt. Therefore, after careful consideration of the evidence presented, this court finds Kim Taehyung..."

Taehyung's heart hammered against his ribs, His parents gripped the arms of their chairs, their knuckles turning white. Jimin stared at Taehyung with a mixture of worry and sadness


"Due to the lack of substantial evidence to support the more serious charge," the judge continued, his voice droning on, "this court sentences Kim Taehyung to fifteen years imprisonment."

A choked sob escaped naina's lips. Taehyung's parents slumped in their chairs, tears streaming down their faces. Jimin buried his face in his hands, his shoulders shaking. Taehyung himself felt numb, a cold dread settling in his stomach.


Fifteen years of his life stolen, locked away behind bars, His life, his dreams, all placed on hold for a crime he didn't commit

Across the room, kris was celebrating his victory, a small smirk played on his lips. He had won. Taehyung, the obstacle to his plan, was finally out of the picture. Next to him, his parents shared a satisfied nod as they looked at taehyung with smirks on their faces.

Meanwhile, a man clad in a sleek black leather jacket, gripped the handlebars of his powerful sports bike as he speeded his bike on the streets of seoul,

the wind whipping through his hair. He weaved through traffic dodging cars and buses with a near-reckless abandon.

The roar of the engine echoed off the towering skyscrapers, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within him, Disbelief and a burning rage warred within him.

Ignoring the red lights screaming at him to stop, he weaved through traffic like a phantom. Cars swerved and horns blared in his wake, but he barely noticed. His mind was fixated on one persom- Kim taehyung

He gritted his teeth, the engine of his bike screaming in protest as he pushed it to its limits. His eyes were bloodshot red and burning with rage.

Taehyung's parents sobbed uncontrollably, Jimin, his face streaked with tears, clutched his shaking fists against his chest. Naina looked at her boyfriend who was looking at taehyung with a straight face glancing at his wristwatch from time to time

The police officers snapped new handcuffs on Taehyung's wrists, Tears streamed down from taehyung's eyes as the officers gripped his arms, ready to take Taehyung away

"I object Your Honor"

A deep voice cut through the heavy silence. The voice was loud and filled with authority. Everyone in the courtroom whipped their heads around to see who dared to interrupt the judge.

In the doorway stood a tall figure. It was a man, dressed in a leather jacket and his eyes gleamed with fury

The officers paused, unsure of what to do. Even the judge looked surprised. This unexpected objection had thrown a wrench into the court proceedings

Taehyung's breath hitched. His eyes widened in shock. It couldn't be... could it? He squinted, trying to see the person properly

Then, as the figure stepped into the full glare of the courtroom lights, recognition dawned on Taehyung's face, he gasped in shock seeing the person in front of him

It was

Guess ??????

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