french toast

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no warnings :)

2:27 AM

Reneé's POV

     I awoke to a loud noise coming from the kitchen, panicking I reached over and shook y/n to wake her up. After a minute I finally realized she wasn't there, and I had just been shaking our sheets, which made me fully wake up. I then discovered the sweet aroma of french toast that was making its way through my apartment. 

    "Another late night craving" I laughed under my breath.

     Since the beginning of our relationship, y/n has always had late night cravings. Some nights she would make a whole meal, other times it was just a small snack. I was very excited for tonight's meal. I made my way out of bed and stood in the doorway of the kitchen. I watched her dance around the kitchen with her headphones on while placing slices of bread in the hot pan. She turned around and jumped when she saw me. 

     "RENEÉ YOU SCARED ME" She playfully screamed.

     "Awe I'm sorry baby" I walked over and placed my arms around her waist. "I hope you made enough for me" I added to my previous statement.

   "I always do pretty girl" She responded. "I would never forget to make you some"

    I smiled at her and felt my cheeks go red. She is the sweetest girlfriend I could have ever asked for. I sat on the table and watched her finish up. I helped her wipe down the counter and washed the pan. She put the slices on one big plate and loaded them with syrup. I took the plate and went to our bedroom with her behind me.

   The two of us got into bed and stuffed our faces with the sweet food while watching a movie we decided to put on. 

   "This is so good" y/n complimented herself.

   "It is baby" I added to her compliment and laughed.

   In a short amount of time, we had finished the whole plate and set it on the nightstand by me. 

     "We can get it tomorrow morning" She said as she scooted her way into my arms and got comfortable. "Goodnight Reneé" She said in a sleepy tone.

      "Goodnight y/n, I love you so much" 

      "I love you too"



short chapter but I thought it was cute! 

feel free to request any stories you would like to see!

see you next time :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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