Chapter One

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Ken was in his class, early for once. He seemed to be making puppets for him AND Brenda.

Ricky and Marty came into class, the school jocks. Which was usually a surprise for other students, since they were even more later than Ken. Unless, by a minute late..-

Marty approached Ken, tapped him on the shoulder and took the Brenda puppet away from Ken. "Aww, making this for you little love, Brenda Miller?"

Marty made little kissy faces, while Ken rolled his eyes.

"Why would you want to know?" He stood up for himself, "Give it back to me."

Ricky looked at Marty, with a devious glint in his eyes.

Marty propositioned his hand onto Brenda's puppet head, "What if I tear up her head?"

Ken was beginning to be a bit furious now, "You wouldn't."

Just as soon as Marty was about to rip up the puppet's head - Brenda came into class, looking glamorous as usual.

Marty snickered, "Saved by the ginger heroine." He tossed Ken's puppet on the table, "There, freak." He waddled back to his seat.

Marty was right about one thing — he was a freak, well sort of. Brenda, and his friend group didn't think so.

Brenda ran up to Ken, then took a quick glance at the puppets, "Are these for me?"

"Who else would it be for?" Ken asked.

"You see, what about our new friend? Eijah."

Ken sighed. "I sort of planned to make these puppets just for us. I don't really have to make one for Eijah, right?"

"I guess your right." Brenda looked down, her fingers intertwined with her own. "We should just sit, class is about to start."

Ken nodded, and they sat down for the rest of the lesson until lunch.

Jolie, Timothy and Jackson waited for him outside the class. Brenda gone with Exer and David. David and Exer.. well, had a bit of a cute connection. Ken didn't think much about it, though.

"So, how was it with class, Ken?" Jolie asked.

"Nothing much. I was waiitng for Brenda so I can show her my second puppet of her, Marty and Ricky bothered me, and then she started yapping about Eijah, again. I mean, what kind of grip does he have on her anyway?"

"It sounds a bit like jealousy." Jackson said, "But, not judging. Not judging." He chuckled a bit.

"Haha, funny." Jolie and Timothy gave eachother a look of uncertainty.

"Maybe, you should tell David, her brother, about this?" Jolie said. David was right behind them.

"About what?" David tilted his head.

"About how Ken likes-" Jolie began to say.


"Oh, uhh.. cool?" David said, then left.

Jolie, Timothy and Jackson both groaned.

"What is your problem, Ken!?" Jolie yelled, "David knows everything about Brenda, and he could hel—"

"Right, and then get scolded by David because I like her. No thanks."

"Jackson, get some sense into him, please." Jolie pleaded.

Jackson rubbed his head, "I uh—... don't know?"

"What do you mean, you don't know!?" Timothy asked, a bit of a yell.

"David is gonna go protective over Brenda if we do tell.. for our own sake, let us just know it our own."

"This guy acting like Shakespeare oh my god.." Jolie muttered.

"'Let us just know it our own?', did you get a stroke?" Ken was a bit sarcastic.

"Fine." Jackson sighed, "Just, we don't tell, to Exer or even Ron."

Ron went past them, "What? Tell Ron what?"

"Uh, about how Ken really likes... Brenda..!" Timothy stuttered out.


"Ken like Brenda? Evolutionary... imagine David dating Exer and then Ken dating Br—" The others kind of looked distraught at the whole dating mention, "Oh uh."

"Anyways." Jackson stammered.

"Won't tell Brenda, okay?" Ron did a thumbs up.

"I'd love to believe that." Ken sighed, his green streaks hiding beneath his dark hair. The other looked pitifully at Ken, as he looked at the ground.

"No worries, I'll make sure Ron doesn't." Jackson smiled.

Eijah and Brenda walked past the five, talking.

Ken sighed. And sat at a table, for once.

Ron had the urge to go up to Brenda and tell her, but Jackson quickly pushed Ron onto the lunch seat. "No telling. Nobody breaks promises, not even a gossip king." Jackson says. "Keep the secret within this group. No telling David or Exer, or even anyone else. Could go badly."

"I think he gets it." Ken said in annoyance.

Ken sat up from his table, and he just ran off from his friends. They can be so careless, sometimes. He doesn't care if he bumps into someon— "David and Exer, sh*t!" He bumped into both of them, all of them falling down.

"Dude, what the—!?" Exer yelled out.

"Ow.." David winced in pain. Reminded him of something too much.

"Sorry, Exer and David." He stood up, and clutched his head. It throbbing in pain. "I might go home early. See ya."

Ken left, and Exer and David glanced at each other.

"I've never seen Ken so sad." Exer said, and David nodded.

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