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Chapter 2:
I'm currently sitting backstage listening to the bands do sound check and rehearse for the show tonight. Joel Smallbone from for King and country walks over to me.
"I don't believe we have met. I'm Joel. Are you Coltons little sister?" He says reaching his hand out. I reach out to shake his hand and reply. "Yes I am. My name is Kaia." He kinda freezes for a second as something flashes in his eyes, but he quickly shakes it off and says "such a beautiful name. It was great meeting you. I'm about to go rehearse but I will see you around." "Great to meet you too." I say and he turns and walks off to the stage with Luke, his brother.
"Boo!" Someone says behind me. I jump and turn around. "Hey Benji!" I say giving him a hug. "Hey Ky I've missed you!" He says returning the hug. Josh and spencer come over and say hi. We all talk and catch up. They started a band called 3for3 and they are one of the opening acts. "We are going to do some common worship songs mainly to start. Then we will give a special preview of a new song off our EP*. And we will finish with Halfway." Spencer tells me when I asked what all they were doing, knowing they just have their single out currently.
We talk and joke around for awhile before Benji complains he's hungry and we decide to head down the street to the WhatABurger. While walking there I pull my phone out and text Colton
Just letting you know walking to WhatABurger to get food with 3for3 guys.
Ok be safe. Bring me food? Love youuuuuuu 😋
We will see 😏😝 love you too

I slide my phone back in my pocket and continue walking.
It was farther than we thought and I get tired of walking so I attempt jumping onto Spencer's back but cause both of us to topple over into the grass. We all burst out laughing and he says "what on earth was that for?" "I was tired of walking so I decided to jump on your back and make you carry me the rest of the way" "oh well warn me next time!" We stood up and started walking again. After a few steps I shout "WARNING!" And jump on his back again. He stumbles a bit but we both stay up. We laugh and he says something about me being horrible at warning people, but continues to carry me. Josh jokingly says "warning!" And pretends to start to jump on Benjis back. Benji shoves him and we laugh as he tries to keep from falling over.
We finally get there and eat. Before we leave I order Colton a burger like the nice little sister I am. I convince spencer to carry me back to the venue and we all walk in laughing. People turn and give us strange looks, but turn back to what they were doing.
I walk around looking everywhere for Colton until I finally find him laying on the bus with his eyes closed. I think about acting like a crazy fan girl who got on the bus, but think of a different plan. I go and sit on top of him and his eyes quickly opening trying to figure out what was happening. I laugh at the look on his face and he glares at me until I hold up the WhatABurger bag and his face immediately lights up. He wraps his arms around me and says "you're the best little sister ever!" I reply with "I know" as I untangle myself from his arms and get up. I go over to my bunk and lay down, plugging my phone in and grabbing the book I'm currently reading. I read until it's almost time for the show to start. I go in and watch from backstage. After the show when they guys go out to do a meet and greet thing I go out to the bus and crawl in bed, falling asleep before the guys make it out there.
*3for3s new EP comes out July 24 2015!
AN: sorry it's kinda a filler getting started type chapter. I have big things planned but I don't want to throw them in too soon. Once those start happening it should get better!

A Colton Dixon and for King and country fanficWhere stories live. Discover now