The Beginning of the End

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Kagaya: Muzan Kibutsuji. After so many years, you're here in my estate.

He said lying in bed.

Kagaya: The only demon that my clan... the demon slayer corps... has hunted to ends of the earth a thousand years. Amane, his appearance... what does he look like?

Amane: It was just as Tanjiro described him. A man that looks to be in his mid to late twenties. But his eyes are light pink, with the pupils as vertical slits like a cat's.

Kagaya: Is that so?

He turns his attention to Muzan.

Kagaya: Your arrival was indeed expected. That much is certain. I'm to assume that you're angry at the Ubuyashiki family and myself. Which led to the conclusion, that you'd come to do your own dirty work yourself and kill us all.

Muzan: You assume correctly. You have done nothing but be a thorn in my side for so long, Ubuyashiki. A thousand years has passed, and your entire family refused to know where they should be... and has interfered with my plans constantly. But I am you would imagine my surprise to find the head of the bloodline in such a weak and frail state. Insignificant. And beyond ugly. Even your very flesh smells like a rotting corpse.

Kagaya: I won't deny your claims.

He struggles to sit back up.

Kagaya: Our physician told me six months ago, that I would die within a few days. But here I am, still breathing and living. Even the physician was shocked by my determination.

Eventually, his bandages come off revealing his eye that was also infected by the curse.

Kagaya: And it's because... of my undying ambition to defeat you, Muzan.

Muzan: Well, I hate to inform you, but that dream will cone to an end. Alongside your pathetic lives.

Kagaya: You... *cough* may not know it, but... the two of us come from the same bloodline. But, regarding how you lived for a millennium, I wouldn't call us related.

Muzan: The words you have said to are indeed pointless. What are you getting at?

Kagaya: Our family gave birth to the most hate man that is like you. And then we were all born with a curse. Every newborn of that house was born extremely weak and soon died. On the verge of extension, a priest offered them counsel. He said that a demon comes from the same bloodline. And we came to the decision to dedicate ourselves to destroying him. Doing so, ensure our family's survival. So, I took Amane, my wife from a family of priesthood for countless generations. And we gave birth to children that stayed alive much longer. But never once was there a single person in our clan that live past thirty.

Muzan: Don't ridicule yourself. It's being a pain to my stomach. I guess your brain is affected by the sickness. Whatever events that were long gone does not mean anything to me. Anyway, in the thousand years I've lived, I've slaughter thousands of weak humans, and never have I seen God or Buddha. Meaning, Heaven has never punished me.

Kagaya: At least I know how you view it. Meanwhile I see it from a different perspective. So, what is your endgame, Muzan?

Muzan: Hmm?

Kagaya: Surly you must have a dream after so long. What does your heart long for?

Muzan: (Why am I having this unique feeling? I have the demon slayer corps leader right where I want him. And yet he has vexed me so much, that I have no hatred for him. But at the same time...)

He turns seeing two of Kagaya's eldest daughters playing.

Muzan: (I feel complexly odd... like I feel a familiar aura. Relieved but at the same time, disgusted. And I can feel four human presences in the manor. Ubuyashiki, his wife, and two of his children. Not a single guard in sight.)

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