chapter 22 - now everyone knows i'm your cheerleader

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"I can put it on myself." I scowl at Ace, who invades my personal space.

"What's the fun in that?" He slides closer, his knee pressing against mine under the table as he leans forward.

"I'm not playing games, Ace." I lower my voice to a whisper, only meant for his ears over the cafeteria chatter.

Doubt etches on his face. "Isn't that something you're good at?"

If I scowl any harder and spend more time with him, I'll have a permanent crease between my brows. He tries his best to get under my skin, and I wonder if it's becoming his favorite pastime. What happened to the 'stay away' aura he gave off?

My mood was already sour after overhearing what Cassie and her gang had to say about me. "Don't be sad, Cassie. Ace is for sure only dating her because it's probably some bet with one of the guys. Once he proves his point, we'll all laugh about it." Ariadne cooed with a fake pout. The other two nodded their heads. Their smiles were as phony as their concern. I don't see how anyone would feel better after a two-faced offer of comfort. It's no surprise. Their friendship isn't genuine, and they aren't your average mean girls. They say things they want to hear to each other—envy and manipulation at its best.

Ariadne, being the 'IT girl', believes she should be the queen bee, but doesn't have enough guts to challenge Cassie. Honestly, each one of them thinks she should be the rightful queen. It's a toxic alliance of wannabe queen bees where they work together to make everyone else miserable and bow to them. Their bond is so twisted that if someone exposed a member for badmouthing another, the group would turn a blind eye and unite to bring down the informer.

I hate how they openly spread rumors that it's a bet. Not that the truth is any better. Would people find a better kick out of a bet or a PR relationship? It doesn't matter. We'll continue to convince everyone our relationship is the truth, even if it means mirroring the fakeness of the mean girl clique. The sooner our relationship seems authentic to the public, the sooner we can end this act.

I ignore everyone's eyes on us: Justin, Jade, Rohan, Linh, Ruben, and Peder. Not to mention half of the school is watching us like we're the stars of some high school reality TV show. For those who don't know we're not dating, we look like we're constantly flirting with each other. Only Justin and Peder seem unamused. Jade, Linh, and Ruben look as if they are secretly shipping the two of us. Rohan finds the earlier banter comical. He probably assumes that I, as Ace's girlfriend, am annoyed with him over something that was said or done before.

Justin and Peder are having a conversation with Linh. It's hard to tell if Justin is using his megawatt smile to charm Linh or just being friendly. The student council president is a pretty Vietnamese girl with perfect skin and dimples that add to her cuteness. I've noticed how Ruben looks at her, holding onto her every word like he finds her captivating. Ruben hasn't confessed it to anyone, but Peder told me he's heard him talk about Linh in the boy's locker room.

This is the first time we've all sat together. Everyone pretty much already knows each other from going to school here. No one's trying to impress each other with exaggerated stories or force laughter. They're just... themselves. I had no idea we had the same lunch period until they gradually appeared.

It's... peaceful.

Ace makes it hard for me to pretend to like him as he slips his jersey over my head. I slip my arms through the armholes; the jersey swallowing my figure. The fresh linen scent smells more expensive than anything my mom has ever used. I'm not sure how that's possible, but it is. At least it doesn't smell like a gym bag.

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