1 - question mark/cup {obs}

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a short & kinda bad oneshot about a rarepair of mine,
cup is goes by she/he here.

"genre": just fluff & a bit of hurt/comfort

words, outside of notes: 433

Cup sat in the eliminated cabin against the wall, the room empty. The rest of the eliminated contestants probably off wandering and chatting with the not eliminated contestants. But he wasn't eliminated, but just resting up in the cabin as calculatory had told him too. The silence of the room rang at his ears as she stared at the floor, her mind clouded, barely hearing the door creak open.

“Cup! Hey man!” Cup jumped, hitting her head against the wall. He rubbed the glass, instinctively checking for a crack but luckily none was there. Question Mark was standing in the doorway, waving at him when he looked back up.

“Hi…” He re-adjusted himself, trying to look more together than he actually was, though they likely wouldn't notice anyways. Question Mark sat down beside her, tracing cracks in the wooden floor they sat on.

“So, what're you doing in here? I didn't know you were eliminated.” The faceless object turned towards him, tilting their head to the side.

“I'm not eliminated, calculatory just let me take a break in here cause…” She pointed to the crack, “Y'know.”

“Ohhhh…” Question Mark hummed, “that doesn't look good at all.”

“Doesn't feel good either…” She muttered, but a  pain shot through her head, cutting him off before he could speak further. He hissed, hand clasped over his closed eye. The headaches that came with this sucked, bad.

His head spun, and he swayed, almost falling over if it weren't for Question Mark quickly grabbing him. She groaned, trying to process what just happened, but the dizzy feeling still remained prominent in his head. Not realizing how he absentmindedly leaned into Question Mark’s touch as they held her.

“I'm alright- I… Sorry.” Cup backed away, realizing how close they were, though Question Mark kept their hold on him. Oddly quiet. “Uh...Are you?”

“Oh- yeah, yeah! I'm good. You sure you're good?” They asked, “you look tired…”

“A bit.” She admitted, “Not really any beds in this cabin though.”

Question Mark thought for a moment, before softly pulling Cup back towards them. Against each other like they were just earlier.

“You looked pretty comfortable like this before..” Question Mark said, looking for an approval from him.

Cup would blush if his glass body allowed him too. Being so close to somebody like this was… an experience she hadn't had in awhile, if at all. It was overwhelming. But with his headache and lack of strength to get back up, he fully leaned into it. His arms wrapped around the turquoise object, washed over with a feeling of comfort.


i really did want to do more with this... but right now im too depressed to do anything actually good at all lately, hope this is completely awful.

probably won't upload for awhile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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