Chapter 1

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On September 1, 1971, you could hear shouting in the Lestrange Manor. "Rabastan! Catrina! We have to go! Now!" Marie Lestrange yelled at her two youngest children. "Coming Mother!" could be heard from the fifteen year old Rabastan, while a, "Just a moment mother!" could be heard from the eleven year old Catrina. "Now!" Marie yelled. "Coming Mother," could be heard floating down the stairs. As soon as Catrina made it downstairs Marie looks at her two kids to make sure they had everything, then she disapparates them to platform 9 and 3/4. 


When the Lestrange's appeared on the platform, Catrina looked around in wonder. Even though she had been to drop her brothers off every year since she was 2, it still amazed her. She could imagine herself playing quidditch for her house, becoming a prefect, and becoming headgirl. Catrina was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her mother's voice. "Walburga! How nice to see you." Catrina looks to where her mother is looking and sees Walburga Black with her two sons, Sirius-who would be going to Hogwarts with Catrina for their first year-and Regulus-who would be going to Hogwarts next year. "Marie yes, how lovely to see you. Is Catrina ready to attend Hogwarts?" Walburga asks in an overly nice tone. "I can answer for myself," Catrina thinks. As Catrina is thinking Marie answers, "Oh yes why of course Walburga. What about you Sirius dear?" "I'm very excited Mrs. Lestrange," answers Sirius. "Marie! Walburga! how nice to see you," was heard right after Sirius finished talking. "Oh Druella! How nice to see you," said Marie. "Oh Druella, Marie, I've been meaning to ask you when Rodolphus and Bellatrix are getting married," Walburga states. "December 30th," the two women reply in unison. As the three women start talking about the wedding, Rabastan, Sirius, and Catrina sneak away and onto the Hogwarts Express.


As soon as the three found an empty compartment Rabastan makes sure that the younger two would be okay before he left to sit with Lucius Malfoy and the others. Shortly after Rabastan left a boy looking to be Sirius and Catrina's age walked into the compartment. "Hi, I'm James Potter, mind if I sit with you?" the boy, James, asked. "Go ahead," said Sirius, "I'm Sirius Black and this is Catrina Lestrange." Shortly after that two other boys their age walked in the compartment. "This is Peter Pettigrew and I'm Remus Lupin, mind if we have a seat?" "Go ahead. I'm Sirius Black, this is James Potter, and this is Catrina Lestrange," Sirius answers as he points to everyone. As Catrina falls asleep the four boys start talking. This begins the boys beautiful friendship.

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