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It has been a month since I betrayed my friends. Instead of going with them I stayed on the boat with Rafe, and the cross.

Ever since we've been staying in the Bahamas. It's probably been the best most romantic days of our relationship. No accusations, no coke, no worries. One day I was sitting on the balcony of the Cameron's bahamas home when Rafe approached me. "Hey babe" he gives you a kiss. "Can I get your help?" He asks. "Of course I reply as I follow him into the master bathroom. He has an electric shaver plugged into the wall. "I want to buzz my hair. Will you help me not look stupid?" He asks apparently feeling vulnerable. "You do that on your own" I say with a laugh as I grab the shaver and he stands looking at his reflection. "Ready?" I ask. He nods and I begin.

Rafes POV

I look at my reflection as Y/n begins to buzz my hair. I needed to do this. It's like I'm becoming a new man. A man who never shot peterkin or his sister. A man who never did coke and a man who never made his dad fake his death. I needed this. Not just for me and my closure, but for Y/n. She doesn't deserve a murderer. I want to change and this is how it begins.

Y/n's POV

I make sure it's all even and tell him I'm finished. I see a glow in his eyes that I've missed and haven't seen in a while. "Thank you Y/n, I hope I can change more than just my hair." Rafe said. "You don't need to change, but the buzz does suit you" I say kissing his head.

A/N thanks for reading I really like this one!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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