Chapter 2:

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Vic "that was the longest shift we've ever had. I am so tired", Andy "we've had longer", Vic "didn't seem like that. I am so tired, are you tired", Andy "I am kind of tired but not too tired", Vic "I'm going to shower but after could I talk to you about something", Andy "sure", after cleaning up the engine and the truck, Andy and Vic got in the coed shower. To their locker to get dressed after, Andy "so what did you need to tell me about", Vic "it's private, come on. To your office", Andy "okay", the two of them walked upstairs going to Andy's office, Andy "what's up", she asked shutting the door. Vic "I wanna go on a date with you but only if that's okay with you and only if you're comfortable with it", Andy "when do you wanna go", Vic "how does tonight sound", Andy "sounds great, I'm go home to get ready and you should do the same. Pick me up around 7", she said kissing her on the cheek. Maya "going on a date with Theo", Vic "um yeah. Quite nervous, he's my dream guy", Maya "we'll go get him", Vic "see you Monday", Maya "okay", Vic left going straight home, she changed into a two piece outfit in pink, Andy wore a pink silk dress, she continued to get ready by doing her makeup. By the time it hit 7, Vic was already in the car on her way to Andy's house, she got out of the car and headed to the front door, Vic held the bouquet of flowers in her hand, and Andy finally opened the door. Andy "are these for me", Vic "yeah", Andy "they are beautiful, thank you. I love them", Andy put the flowers in a vase with some water, Andy "ready to go", Vic "yeah", the two of them got in the car, heading to the club.

(Victoria's outfit)

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(Victoria's outfit)

(Victoria's outfit)

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(Andy's outfit)

After getting inside, Andy "could I get an olive martini", Vic "same here", Andy "so tell me. How long have you been crushing on me", Vic "for a while but you have been experimenting and I was with Theo and I didn't wanna overstep", Andy "you should have asked me, I still would have said yes", Vic "well I'm so glad that I finally did. You look so sexy in that dress", Andy "thank you, and you look very sexy yourself in that outfit", Vic and Andy spent the night doing more drinks and ended with a karaoke night. Andy "do you wanna get outta here", Vic "yeah", the two of them left the bar after paying for their drinks, they waited for a cab. Andy "my house or your house", Andy "my house", Andy took Vic by the hand and they got into a cab, and that cab took them to Andy's home. Andy "what do you wanna do", Vic "I wanna kiss you so bad right now", Andy "kiss me then", Vic walked over to Andy, she got really nervous. Andy "it's okay just give me", Vic put her hand on top of Andy's hand, the both of them stared into each other's eyes. Andy "kiss me", while Vic was starting to get very nervous, Vic "I'm scared to do so", Andy "Vic stop being so nervous lol. We are the only ones here, and I'm giving you the opportunity to make your move because you keep telling me that's what you wanna do", Vic "I'm just nervous that's all", Andy "come here", Vic wrapped her arms around Andy's waist, and Andy wrapped her arms around Vic's neck, Andy "do you want me to kiss you", Vic "yes", Andy pressed her lips against Vic's lips, Vic "I've been wanting to do that for a really long time", Andy "me too", Vic "what now", Andy "were off tomorrow so we could sleep in", Vic "okay let's go then", Andy "to bed", Vic "yeah", the two of them went into Andy's room. Andy "do you wanna come help me unzip my dress for me or you just gonna stay there daydreaming", Vic slowly walked up to Andy, placing her hands on her shoulders, kissing her neck. Vic slowly unzipped Andy's dress, pulling it off of her, Andy undressed Vic, Vic was so nervous, she had never been so nervous before. She was spending the night with her dream girl and the thought of messing it all up filled through her mind. Andy "hey it's okay. Stop being so nervous. I already told you I feel the same way about you, come on let's lay down". Andy cuddled up besides Vic, from cuddling went to them kissing and having a long make out session. The two of them eventually fell asleep, in the morning. Andy was making breakfast, Andy "good morning", Vic "good morning", she said rubbing her eyes, Andy and Vic kissed. The two of them had breakfast, Andy "I had a lot of fun yesterday with you", Vic "me too. Except for me being utterly nervous and panicking for no reason", Andy "it's okay, it's understandable. Being that it was our first date, being nervous was completely normal", Vic "I don't know why I was no nervous, your one of my best friends", Andy "Vic it's okay", the two of them finished breakfast. Vic and Andy decided to rearrange Andy's house, Andy "dammit there's a massive wild fire and they need all hands on deck", Vic "let's go then", Vic and Andy rushed to the station, gearing up and getting the truck with the rest of the team.

Halfway into the wild fire the team had to split up, it was the only way they would be able to safely put out the fire while also saving the victims that needed to be saved. It wasn't long until Vic noticed that Andy was missing, she called out, the others caught up to her helping her. Maya "Vic calm down we're gonna find her", Vic "where is she? She wouldn't just leave on her own without the rest of us, where is she"? Andy, Andy", she shouted, Maya "Vic we are going to find her but remember we have to work together to find her. Vic "Andy, Andy", Maya "Vic stop it. You need to calm down, you're letting yourself go, why? You're supposed to be stronger than this", Vic "just find her", Vic bumped into Maya not wanting to listen to a word she had to say. Vic didn't care about the smoke, she brushed pass multiple branches and bushes, lying on the ground unconscious was Andy. Vic "Maya, Maya", she shouted loud as she could. Maya "Andy, can you help me lift her", Vic "yeah", the two of them carried Andy back to the truck, there was an ambo already waiting for them, Vic "I'm riding with her", Maya "we need backup here", Vic "again I am riding with her whether any of you like it or not", the ambulance door shut as she climbed in, the ambulance took off taking Andy to Grey Sloan. Maya "what's with her", Travis "she didn't tell you", Maya "tell me what", Travis "that means Andy didn't tell you either", Maya "Travis tell me what", Travis "I'm not supposed to say anything", Maya "Travis I don't like secrets and Andy rarely keeps anything from me", Travis "well Vic and Andy don't want anyone knowing, which is why they both confided in me", Maya "Andy tells me everything going on in her life so please tell me what's going on", Travis "okay fine I will tell you. But you didn't hear it from me, let them tell you as well before bringing up the situation", Maya "okay, can you just tell me", Travis "Andy and Vic have a thing for each other, the other night they actually went out on a date", Maya was too stunned to even speak. Maya "for real, I thought she was going out with Theo", Travis "she probably made it seem that way, but yes for real, they honestly make a very cute couple. Well I don't think they are exclusive just yet but I'm sure they will be eventually", Maya "I honestly don't even know what to say", Travis "right now don't say anything just accept them both, and understand how they are feeling. What I'm saying is just be there for them, that's all they really need at the moment. They don't exactly need anyone judging them or any of that, just be there for them", Maya "I will. I will".

To be continued

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