... CHAPTER 1 ...

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NELSON & MURDOCK, attorneys-at-law.

Matt smiled to himself when the situation dawned on him. It was a new beginning in his and Foggy’s law career. Surely it wasn't ideal, but helping people has always been their end goal.

His smile grew wider when he recognized the voice that sounded from the open door, “This isn't that bad. Good job, boys.”

Foggy turns toward the door right away, “And you clean up well, Dais.”

“Yeah, well, work,” She shrugs, walking right inside and placing what seems to be a fruit basket on the front desk. “I can't be outdressed in my own workplace.”

“Actually, the word ‘clean’ and Daisy don't really go in the same sentence.”

“Screw you, Murdock,” despite her pointed words, it had a playful tone to it. The woman then reaches around both men to wrap them in a hug. “Oh I’m so proud of you guys, really.”

The blonde male teases, “We could've easily been Nelson, Murdock, & Kim— wait, do you use Stark, now?”

She pulls away from the embrace as she says, “Tony prefers if I use Stark, it's good for the business.”

“Well, we could've easily been Nelson, Murdock, & Stark if only you took the Bar,” Foggy smirks at the sight of her glare.

Daisy faked a gag which made the other two laugh at her reactions, “It's like I'm hearing a broken record every time I come to see you two. Taking the Bar is too much work, guys. I'm already busy with all the tasks I have to do.” 

Matt scoffs, “You graduated as Magna, Dais.”

“And I dreaded every second of law school.”

“I don't recall seeing you in class that much though?”

She pushed Matt away jokingly, “You can't see shit, genius.”

“Oh darling Daisy,” Foggy gasps, “That's just mean.”

The three college best friends let out a well needed laugh. It briefly reminded Matt of how they were during their schooling days. Of all the studying nights that turned into fits of giggles because they were losing their minds from all the sleep they lacked. Of all the late snack runs in the nearby convenience stores when they were bored out of their minds. The countless jokes they exchanged while sober and not. Law school was much more fun with each other by their side.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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