Chapter One

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So I'm back and I'm rewriting. But I will need a little push. I stopped because I felt as if I wasn't a good enough writer. I started this story back in 2016 and I was 15. My birthday recently passed and I am now 19. So I am here ready to give it another try. So if anyone can help with a new story cover that'd be awesome.

Oliver's POV
"Did you guys do Ms. Mack's homework? I have her first period and I really need to copy it." Matt say in a slight panic knowing he's already failing.

"Mmm, No I thought you would've" Caleb chuckles as he shoves Matt into the locker to my right. They are dummy's I swear. I shake my head as I get the rest of my things I need for first and second period before I shut my locker and turn towards them.

They are both laughing cause Caleb now has Matt in a headlock. I reach into my binder and pull out my homework for Ms. Mack. "Here's the homework.Can you guys stop playing before you run out of time"I sigh. "Matt don't forget about what your mom said if you don't bring your grade up. I doubt you want that to happen."

When Matt realizes what I said he pushes Caleb off of himself and reaches for the paper. "Shut up I already know. I told her I'd have it up after I turn this paper in." Caleb peaks around his shoulder at the homework and says, "We still have 20 minutes before class starts. We have plenty of time."

I shake my head as I turn almost bumping into this girl and walk towards the sitting area down the hall. "What's his problem?" Caleb asks in a tried to be low tone.

"Not sure. He's been like that since he got in the car this morning." Matt responds.

I drop my head down while still walking. Even hearing them talk about me makes me blush. I rub my hands over my face in hopes to make it go away. "I can hear you guys if you didn't know,"I say finally reaching the table and taking a seat. "Come sit and do the work please guys we've wasted 5 minutes of the 20. And are we still meeting after school today?" I ask with hopes that they will say yes.

They both sit down at the table opposite of me and pull out their paper and pencils and start to copy. Matt speaks up first. "Well I don't think so today. Caleb and I were going to pick up this stuff for our project we have for Mr. Tolbert. I'm sure you don't want to sit around for that."

I make a funny face. They've been doing that a lot lately. Making up reasons why they can't hang with me. But why? I haven't done anything, they've been doing this for the last month or so. The two of them have grown closer together as they drift away from me.

Just why? I wonder.

"Oliver." I hear Caleb say as he waves my homework in front of my face. " We're done dude. And the bell just rung we have to get to class."

"Also we were asking if it was okay if we hung out tomorrow since we can't today?" He says with a slight guilty smile. They know how they've been treating me yet they won't tell me why.

I slowly start to stand up and say, "Yeah that seems like a good idea. Can we go to that ice cream parlor that I like?"

They both look at each other and nod, "That'll be cool Oli." Matt states as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Let's head to class now before we are late."

We all head down the hallway. Seeing that they both have classes upstairs I get ready to break off from them. They walk me to Mr.Baroe's class.

"See you later Oli." Matt and Caleb say almost in sync. I think nothing of it and do a small wave and head into class. I take a seat at my desk while watching the rest of the kids pile into their seats.

A couple minutes later, Mr.Baroe smiles at us and says; "GoodMorning students hope you guys slept well last night. Pull out a pencil or a pen we are having a pop quiz."

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