Chapter Two

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Hear me out. I know I said the following week but classes have gotten pretty hectic for me so I'm trying my utmost best. I'm getting into the swing of things. This chapter may not be that long but you'll get a lot of details. Enjoy!


Oliver's POV

Waking up to a blaring alarm early in the morning is my least favorite way to be woken up. Rolling over on my side towards the alarm I reach out clicking the button. "Ugh" I grunt as I looked at the clock blinking in bold red; 6:15am.

I slowly sit up on the edge of the bed while rubbing my crusty eyes. I need to wash my face. I raise my arms above my head while letting out the most unnecessary yawn ever. "Aughhhh."

Hearing a knock at the door I let my arms fall down into my lap, "Sweetie? Breakfast is ready."

I say a soft okay. Hearing her foot steps slowly fade away I step down onto the floor. I walk over to my dresser to get some clothes to shower since I went straight to bed last night. I need to hurry Matt and Caleb usually get here around 7:00 to pick me up.

I hope in the shower trying to be as quick as possible. When I get out I put my clothes and run the brush through my hair a couple of times till I'm satisfied. I place the brush down on the counter and head back into my room. I look over at my clock seeing it says 6:45 as I reach to get my backpack. "Just enough time for breakfast." I say as I head out my room door and down the stairs.

"GoodMorning." My dad says when I step into the kitchen taking a seat across from him. "You must be hungry you slept last night without dinner." I nod my head as I put a pancake in my mouth trying to eat fast so I can go.

"Slow down Oliver! You aren't a pig." My mother says while hitting me in the back of the head slightly.

I swallow and turn to her, "Sorry mom I'm sorta in a rush." I say while putting some fruit in my mouth. I stand up walking out of the kitchen. Heading towards the door I yell see you later as I go to stand at the top of the driveway to wait on them to get here.

While watching day break come through I feel like I've been waiting for ages. I look down at my phone and see it's 7:10. They are always here by 7:00 sharp. "Maybe they are running behind" I think as I stand and wait longer.

7:25. It's fucking 7:25 and I'm still waiting. They forgot about me. I pull my phone out as I turn to start walking to school. I call Matt first hoping to get an answer. Nothing.

I call Caleb next in hopes of the same thing. Nothing.

In my fit of anger I put my phone back in my pocket and try to make my 15 minute walk a 10. I knew they've been acting weird and leaving me out but this right here took the cake.

Finally arriving at school I look through the parking lot to see if they are already here.

And lo and behold there's the fucking car. That's it I can't take this shit anymore I won't keep putting up with this from them they need to tell me what's going on.

I walk through the school doors and head for my locker I get the things I need for class and look up at the clock.

I have 20 minutes til class starts. That's enough time to find  and question them. I walk down the hall searching aimlessly until I reach the benches and see them laughing and talking together.

Trying to clear my emotions before I approach them I take a deep breath.

I step up to them just as they look up at me and the color drains from their faces with something that resembles guilt. "Sooo, how was you guys morning? Did you get a ride or have to walk like me." I say feeling the anger bubble inside of me.

"Look Oli we are so sorry. I don't know how to explain it. It literally slipped our minds." Matt speaks in a rush.

"So you forgot about me is what you're saying. I slipped your mind is what you're saying. Not the first time and probably won't be the last." I say voice getting louder and eyes starting to water. "I'm tired of being left out of everything with you guys. I don't say anything I let you guys have that bond because I don't want to be that friend who's jealous. But we are all best friends and I feel lonely. You never invite me out with you guys anymore. It's always just you two and I'm tired. So I'll let you guys have what you want. And that seems to be each other." I say with now with tears coming down my cheeks. I turn on my heels not even listening to what they have to say.

I head for class not even caring I'm 10 minutes early. I put my head down in hopes that this pain in my heart will slip away but it doesn't.


After first period I try to uplift my mood to get through the day. And when lunch came around I just knew I had to avoid them. So I rush to the lunchroom to get my lunch so I can leave as fast as I got there.

Sadly, that go as planned seeing as when I was coming out of the lunch line Caleb was waiting on me with a solemn face.

He grabs my hand almost dragging me to the lunch table we sit at where Matt was already waiting on our arrival.

"Will you sit with please?" Matt says almost pleading as Caleb takes a seat next to him. Mighty close might I add.

I seat my self opposite of them at the table. "Now will you listen to what we have to say?" Caleb asks as emotions I can't really put my finger on drains into his face.

I give them a slow nod which they take as there go ahead and they start to speak. "We're sorry we never meant to forget you this morning and not to mention us being distant." Caleb says while Matt nods to everything he says.

"We've just been bonding a lot lately and we didn't think we were leaving you out like we were but it seems we have been. And for that we are also sorry. We won't do it again I promise for now on it's all three of us okay?" Matt asks me . I nod my head at him as I pick at my food not feeling to hungry.

"Just promise not to do it again." I say in a soft tone.

"We promise." They both way in unison.

"Can we hug you?" Matt asks me. Of course I say yes. I can never turn them down when the sound so genuine with their words.

They walk over to me and hug me from both sides causing a small blush to rise on my cheeks. I hope we can stay like this.

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