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in the last couple of weeks i've gotten many of dms of people saying congratulations to me and romelo, im 4 and a half months along, i was just very excited to meet my baby girl, she was supposed to be born around the end of march to the start of april.

i was hanging out with romelo, aydah, savannah, kason, and milo, milo was aydahs boyfriend we were going out for lunch and then probably to this arcade thingy. i got ready, i wore leggings, and a croptop, romelo was also ready to go, we ubered to the place we were eating lunch at, we had headed inside and seen our friends in haven't seen aydah since i found out i was pregnant due to her, kason, and savannah all moving to florida. "omgg alaina you look so good" "aww thank you" i hugged everyone except for milo "hi im alaina" "im milo" "im romelo". we sat down at the table i got a burger with fries and a salad, "dam thats a lot of food" milo said we all just looked at him "what?" "she pregnant dumbass" kason said "oh shit my bad i just thought you were a lil big" "nah shut the fuck up" "milo what the fuck is wrong with you" "dang aydah why are you so mad" "cause thats my best friend" "and im your fucking boyfriend" "i think you should leave ill see you back at the hotel" she said making him leave, i didn't care what he said i was just hungry.

"you okay laina?" "yeah im fine i dont care im just hungry" after lunch we all ubered to the arcade savannah, kason and aydah payed first, romelo payed for me "omgg let me pay for something" "no lets go play some games". me and romelo went to the basketball game, i cant shoot romelo moved me out of the way "rude" he ended up getting like 100 tickets "okay dangg", we then went to this racing game "ah omg why does it move" i said "bahaha im winning" "nooo" he ended up winning "im going to the bathroom" "ill come with" "me too", me, aydah and savannah went to the bathroom.

"you and romelo are so cute together" "aww thank you im really happy with him" "we can tell you seem so much happier" i just smiled so much.

romelos pov

the girls went to the bathroom and i was talking to kason "shes really happy with you man dont fuck it up" "i wont i love her so much" "i can see that" "wait so that milo guy do you like him?" "fuck no he treats aydah so bad".

alaina pov

"so why the fuck is milo like that?" "umm hes just raised different" aydah walked out of the bathroom "she doesn't want to admit it but hes crazy" we followed her out. we went over to the boys "someone play this with me" it was a racing game "i will" kason said, i went in the purple car, "alaina your winning!" romelo said "yayyyy" then kason passed me "you bitch" i ended up winning a game finally. we had played many more games then said our goodbyes "bye aydah" "bye laina" "bye kason" "bye laina take care" "byee savy" "bye bye sweetie".

"im so tired" "your always tired" hes right i am always tired, its almost christmas, christmas is in like 2 weeks, i had to get some last minute gifts so before we went home we went to the store. "okay i need to get nelson, niles, noah, ray and lavar something" "okay" i already had kendolls gift and everyone elses. we went to the shoe store it had other brand name stuff, i got lavar these high whitey grey jordans, i got noah these essentials fear of god pants, niles i got him a nike x stussy hoodie, i got ray this new camera lens cause his camera lens can change and lastly for nelson i got a essentials fear of god hoodie.

we made our way home, i wrapped the gifts, it was like 9 pm now, i showered and got into bed, 20 minutes later romelo came to bed. i put 13 reasons why on, we watched like 4 episodes "im going to bed" "same" i cuddled up into romelos chest and fell asleep.

it is christmas morning, romelo was with his family but was coming over later before, we went to texas this is probably the last time ill be able to fly until the baby is born. "merry Christmas" "merry christmas" i sat down on my chair, cam handed me the first gift, it was a dyson hair wrap "ahh thank you so much!" i hugged him and marie, "open mine" i handed cam the one and marie, i got cam this bearbrick it was a starwars theme one "omg no way alaina you didn't" he hugged me, im not going to spoil anything but someone texted me telling me he got cam a different bearbrick, marie opened hers it was travis scott retro low OG SP "aww thank you alaina". we opened the rest of the gifts, i was very thankful i got some baby stuff and some new shoes, and makeup for me.

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