Family business

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Nicole was reading a book at her desk, quite bored. She had already completed her regular workload and was simply waiting to see if a call would come in. Right at that moment, the phone rang and Nicole put the book down, slightly disappointed. As she picked up, she hoped that the person she was talking to wouldn't shout in her ear.

-Ghostbusters, how can we help you?, she asked, slightly bored.

To her relief, no one shouted in her ear and she pressed the alarm button when the conversation was over. Nathan, Phoebe and Trevor immediately came downstairs and stopped right in front of Nicole's desk.
-There's been a call from a restaurant in Little Italy, Nicole began hesitantly. But maybe you should wait until the others are back.

-Why?, Phoebe asked blankly.
-Because Nate is the only official member of the team and I doubt it's a good idea to let the three of you go, Nicole replied authoritatively.
-Waiting is not an option, Nicole, Nathan said firmly and turned to the two teenagers.

-I can't let you go without Egon's permission, though, he added, looking past them as Egon approached them at that very moment.
-Can we go with him, please?, Trevor asked, pretty sure their grandfather would say yes.
-Apart from that, Nate would be completely alone without us, Phoebe added factually and Egon sighed.

-I don't know, I promised your mother I'd keep an eye on you, Egon began a little unsure.
-Well, there's one way you could keep an eye on them, and we'd be enough people, Nathan replied with a broad grin.

-I guess I can't say no to an invitation like that, Egon said with a shrug and Phoebe and Trevor's eyes lit up, partly because they got to go and partly because they got to see their grandfather in action.

Nathan winked at Nicole, who shook her head unimpressed and then took a uniform out of one of the lockers while Phoebe and Trevor were already putting on theirs and handed it to Egon.
-Don't forget your work clothes, Doc, he said with a grin and Egon took his uniform.

Nathan seemed determined to shorten the five-minute drive to their call to a maximum of two minutes and zigzagged past the cars, which were avoiding the Ecto-1 but didn't seem to be doing so fast enough for Nathan. Trevor felt as shaken in the back seat as James Bond's martini and gave his sister a slightly annoyed but also desperate look, which she merely responded to with a shrug.
-Nate, erm, no offense, but it feels a little bumpy back here, Trevor called from the back seat and Nathan gave him a quick glance in the rear-view mirror.
-Sorry, Trevor, Nathan replied with a grin, but made no effort in changing his driving style. Egon also gave Nathan a somewhat judgmental look and then focused his attention on the road ahead again.

-What?, Nathan asked with a raised eyebrow and looked at Egon, who returned his gaze.
-Eyes on the road, Nate, Egon ordered firmly.
-All right, all right, Nathan said, focusing all his attention back on the road. But really though, why were you looking at me like that?
Nathan made a sharp left turn and Trevor was thrown against one of the windows, groaning in annoyance.
-Don't look at me like that, sis, he complained even more annoyed when he noticed Phoebe's slightly amused expression. Phoebe just shook her head in amusement and didn't say anything back, while Trevor tried to sit up properly and not remain glued to the window.

-To answer your question, Nathan, I agree that there's not really any reason to reduce a five-minute drive to two minutes, Egon explained seriously, and at that very moment Nathan brought the Ecto-1 to a skidding halt in front of the address of their call.
-The quicker we get here, the better, right?, Nathan replied with a mischievous grin and opened the door to get out. Egon just shook his head with a sigh and got out as well.

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