The Tables Turn

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Updated! Like I promised 🥰 so next chapter target is 80+ votes and 100+ comments to get another update by tonight 💓

"I object Your Honor"

A deep voice cut through the heavy silence. The voice was loud and filled with authority. Everyone in the courtroom whipped their heads around to see who dared to interrupt the judge.

In the doorway stood a tall figure. It was a man, dressed in a leather jacket and his eyes gleamed with fury

The officers paused, unsure of what to do. Even the judge looked surprised. This unexpected objection had thrown a wrench into the court proceedings

Taehyung's breath hitched. His eyes widened in shock. It couldn't be... could it? He squinted, trying to see the person properly

Then, as the figure stepped into the full glare of the courtroom lights, recognition dawned on Taehyung's face, he gasped in shock seeing the person in front of him

It was

Jeon Jungkook

He was dressed in a leather jacket that hugged his toned physique perfectly and a sharp glare playing on his face, his jaw clenched tight, a frown etching lines across his forehead.

He was dressed in a leather jacket that hugged his toned physique perfectly and a sharp glare playing on his face, his jaw clenched tight, a frown etching lines across his forehead

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This wasn't the pale, fragile Jungkook he'd seen in the hospital room. This Jungkook was radiating raw energy, his eyes burning with a fierce anger.

Jungkook's eyes softened when his eyes landed on Taehyung, Suddenly, his eyes darted towards the back of the room

the red in them deepening to a dangerous shade, Taehyung followed his gaze and spotted Kris who looked like he was about to sh!t in his pants

"I object, Your Honor," he repeated, his voice a low growl that reverberated through the court room.

"excuse me," the judge addressed Jungkook coldly, "you weren't on the witness list. Do you have a reason for interrupting the proceedings?"

Jungkook strode towards the front of the courtroom, his boots echoing on the polished floor, Jungkook stopped a few feet from the judge's bench. He stood tall

Taking a deep breath "Your Honor, I am Jeon Jungkook, the alleged victim in this case. And I object to the charges against Kim Taehyung"

"Not only do I have a reason, Your Honor," he said, Jungkook held the judge's gaze, his chin held high.  "but I also have evidence that proves Kim taehyung's innocence."

the crowd gasp in shock after hearing jungkook's words, Jungkook straightened his shoulders, his gaze unwavering. 

"While I was recovering in the hospital," he began, his voice clear and loud enough for everyone to hear "a hidden camera in my room captured footage of someone tampering with my medication"

"It was nothing more than medicines, A desperate attempt by Kim taehyung to help me after he discovered the truth about my condition"

"The real culprit here," Jungkook repeated, his stern gaze turning towards kris "is Jeon Kris, my own cousin."

"He was the one who tried to poison me, all in an attempt to steal my inheritance" he added, his voice dropping to a low whisper and tears formed in his eyes.

"And not only that," Jungkook swallowed a lump in his throat "he attempted to frame Kim Taehyung for his own crimes!" his gaze landing on Taehyung with a flicker of warmth. 

"Taehyung is innocent. He was simply trying to help me, unaware of the darkness that lurked within my own family."

"I also have a video proof your honor, i will proceed if i have permission" jungkook said showing a pendrive

"Objection!" a sharp voice cut through the tension. It was the prosecutor, a short, portly man with a face like a bulldog

"Mr jeon jungkook is attempting to mislead the court! This footage could be fake and he is trying to frame-

"Objection Overruled," the judge declared. "The evidence will be presented. However, Mr. Jeon," he continued, his gaze pinning Jungkook with unexpected intensity

"Thank you very much your honor"

Jungkook said giving the pendrive to an officer, suddenly the lights of the courtroom dimmed and a video started playing through a projector on the big screen of the courtroom

The video showed how naina got black mailed by the one who got her kidnapped, the video clearly showed the faces of Kris and his parents confessing their heinous crimes in that warehouse

By the time the lights of the courtroom appeared Kris and his family were dying in fear, they started sweating heavily because there is no chance to escape from this misery

The silence in the courtroom shattered as the video cut to black. A collective gasp erupted from the stunned crowd.

People lurched forward in their seats, eyes wide with disbelief. Naina herself stared at the blank screen with a smile on her face

"This..." the judge stammered, his gaze fixed on the projector, "This evidence is... extraordinary. How did you manage to record this video?"

Jungkook looked at kabir with a small smile and he gave him a tiny nod, kabir stood up from his seat looking at the judge

"your honor. I was supposed to take naina back to her dorm" he began, All eyes turned to him, the murmur in the courtroom dying down as everyone leaned in to hear his story.

"Naina is my girlfriend. We were supposed to meet after her shift so I could take her back to her dorm."  A faint blush dusted his cheeks as he revealed about her relationship for the first time.

"But," he continued, his voice taking on a more serious tone, "when I arrived at the meeting spot, i witnessed some goons kidnapping her, taking her somewhere in a van." He paused, his brow furrowing as he recalled the terrifying scene

"Without thinking twice, I followed the van at a safe distance, Thankfully they didn't seem to notice me because it was too dark in that warehouse"

"So, I snuck closer and spotted a small ventilation window. Taking a chance, I slipped a camera, a very small camera I use for vlogging for my youtube channel named "kabir in korea", through the gap, I managed to capture the video"

A murmur of appreciation rose from the courtroom. Even the judge seemed impressed by kabir's quick thinking and bravery. Naina stared at him, her eyes welling up. She never knew her goofy boyfriend could be so courageous.

"You may sit now Mr kabir" the judge said looking onto the files, with a small smile, he sat down and naina smiled softly squeezing her boyfriend's hand.

"Mr. Jeon," he addressed Jungkook, his gaze sharp, "yesterday you were apparently suffering from a seizure. Yet, here you stand, seemingly perfectly healthy. Can you explain this discrepancy?"

A slow, sly smile spread across jungkook's face. He looked towards his side, his gaze flickering to Kris and his parents, who seemed to shrink under his scrutiny.

"I faked my seizures, your honor"

"Mr. Jeon?" the judge finally stammered, regaining some of his composure. "Did you just say...?"

Jungkook was still smirking "Indeed, Your Honor, I was acting, Consider it a family talent. My dear uncle and aunt," he cast a pointed glance towards a now pale Kris and his parents

"have been putting on quite the performance for years, haven't they?"

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