Chapter 1- The Beginning

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Massive windows and cleared aisles, either side filled with massive wooden chambers, hovered a vacuum of silence, a spotlight fell on a table where lay the voluminous book known as the Book of Life, a pristine world where stories were born and possibilities were endless. Every page inside was blank and similar but awaited a different and unique journey, as each page was a living piece of Paper, waiting to be filled with the stories and marks of creation, a canvas where dreams could take shape and narratives could unfold. The Paper was the essence of life itself—pure, blank, and full of potential.

On the other side, there was a collection of pencils, some were light, some were dark, some were colorful, some also had their eraser and each had its purpose to be filled with each fresh sheet of Paper, as they began their journey. Each pencil was a tool of great ambition, filled with the desire to write, draw, and create. Its lines were confident and full of purpose, eager to make a mark on the world. Beside Pencil stood varied erasers, some scented, some tall, some healthier, some yet to be opened, some old and wise as, a quiet yet powerful force capable of undoing Pencil's mistakes and offering a second chance.

One fine morning, as the Sun's rays crossed the window glasses, and acted as a spotlight for the massive old book placed on the table, so did the wind from small openings and creeks across the domed roof above, as they proceeded further ferociously blow and scattered few pencils across the book, that is when pencil began its work on a new, pristine sheet of Paper. With gentle strokes, it drew the soft lines of a sunrise, the delicate petals of a blooming flower, and the joyous steps of a child discovering the world for the first time. Pencil was eager and ambitious, brimming with ideas and a desire to create. Its lead was sharp, ready to etch lines and curves that would bring life to the blank pages. Pencil's enthusiasm was infectious, and it approached each new creation with boundless energy and vision.

Eraser, in contrast, was quiet and contemplative. While it didn't share Pencil's overt excitement, its role was no less crucial. Eraser was there to smooth out mistakes, to offer second chances and to refine the creations that Pencil so passionately brought forth. It understood that perfection was not in flawlessness but in the willingness to learn and improve.

Their initial interactions were harmonious. The pencil would draw with fervor, and Eraser would follow, gently correcting any missteps. Paper welcomed them both, feeling the synergy of their collaboration. Together, they began to explore the possibilities that lay within the untouched expanse. Each mark brought the Paper to life, infusing it with a sense of purpose and beauty, especially when supported with colorful pencils as companions.

As they intermingled together, they opened up to each other and began to converse "Look at the wonders we create together," Paper whispered to Pencil, its voice soft and filled with awe. "Each line you draw is a new beginning, a story waiting to unfold." Pencil beamed with pride. "And with Eraser, we can correct any mistake," Pencil said confidently. "We can ensure each story is perfect."

As they worked together, Paper, Pencil, and Eraser formed a harmonious trio. The pencil's strokes were bold and creative, the Paper was the willing canvas, and the observant Eraser's gentle touch corrected any missteps. The stories they created were filled with joy, sorrow, triumph, and failure, each one a testament to the intricately woven fabric of creation and correction.

Buoyed by their success, the trio decided to explore new horizons. Pencil's ambition grew, and it wanted to create something more complex, something that would challenge their skills and deepen their understanding of creation.

A tale of Pencil, Eraser and PaperWhere stories live. Discover now