The best thankyou (3)

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Stella's POV

The sea breeze gently tousles my hair as I stand at the edge of the dock, gazing up at the massive cruise ship before me. Wonder how something so big could stay afloat.

Rising my sunglasses up into my hair standing in awe, The excitement in the air is palpable, as I take in that first glimpse of the ocean stretched out in front of me, paving the way to long lasting memories we are about to make.

"Ehh honey...a little hand here" I hear Kelly say behind me bringing me out of my trance, I turn around and see him struggling to push all 3 cases, realising I just left him to offload our luggage from the coach "oh sorry...I was just in shock at how big this thing actually is" I say going over to him and taking hold of one of the cases.

"Have you got the tickets?" I ask him as he looks at me "no, I asked you to pick them up of the desk at the coach station whilst I packed our cases onto the coach" he says as my face drops knowing I didn't have them. " you never, if you asked me I would have d..." I say about to object as Kelly chuckles and pulls the tickets from out his back pocket with a smug grin on his face.

"I did ask you, but you was to busy reading the brochures so when I seen them still on the table as we was about to leave to get on the coach I grabbed them" he tells me as I hit his arm "not funny Kelly, I thought I ruined our trip before it had begun" I tell him as he rubs his arm and laughs

Just then the ship horn sounds causing me to jump knocking my glasses of my head as I bend down to pick them up "thats are cue to go...come on, or on the next horn you'll be stood watching it leave without us" Kelly says as he starts heading towards the check in area.

We place our cases onto a trolley as Kelly hands one of the staff our tickets who checks us in and hands us our wristbands and cabin keys "we will have your cases sent straight to your room, wristbands will be used upon disembarking and re-embarking the ship so make sure you check in and out so we know we haven't left you behind" she tells us as we both place our wristbands on.

"if you want to head to your left there it will take you straight to the bridge and onto the ship where you will be greeted by some of our crew staff who will offer you a complimentary glass of champagne as you board, you'll be boarding on Deck E which is where you can immediately indulge yourself in all of our bar and restaurants, we hope you enjoy your voyage with us, and if you need any further assistance or information you can just find one of our colleagues, just look for the very obvious white uniform and we will be happy to help" the lady at the desk says

"Thankyou..." me and Kelly both say as he takes hold of my hand and make our way round to the bridge leading onto the ship. "Oohh I'm so excited, I've never been on like an actual ship before, the last one I was on was that tour boat for our wedding" I say looking up at the ship in front of us, I feel Kelly look at me as I turn to him and see him smiling at me as I smile back "nothing will beat that day...I think we can safely say our wedding will always top any past or future 51 weddings" he tells me as I nod in agreement "oh 100%" I tell him as we both chuckle.

He wraps his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer into him as he kisses my forehead

"Hi welcome on board, may I interest you both in a glass of champagne" one of the staff members ask as we reach the entrance as we both take a glass "Thankyou..." we both say in unison as we take our first step onto the ship.

I look around in awe once again, the buzz of conversations creating an ambiance of excitement, the elegant decor and attention to detail instantly creating an inviting and luxurious atmosphere, the warm smiles from other passengers and staff instantly making me feel welcomed.

"So what shall we do first?" I hear Kelly ask me as I look at him "for once...I don't know" I tell him as he chuckles.

"Let's go find somewhere to sit and drink these whilst we think, there's no rush after all, we're here, we made it, let's just relax" he says as I clink my glass with his "excellent idea" I tell him as we both head further into the ship.

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