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As thunder crackled and rain lashed down, Win's tears flowed like the deluge outside, his heart shattered into a million pieces. 'Was I so unlovable, Ploy, that you had to leave me for Neua?' he lamented, his voice cracking with anguish. 'Did I fail to make you feel loved, cherished, and adored?' He slumped beside the window, his dark room a reflection of his soul.

"Why, just why, did you abandon me at my lowest point, like everyone else? I thought our love was different, but you proved me wrong." The pain of their five-year relationship's demise suffocated him. "Be strong, Win, be strong," he whispered to himself, clinging to his favorite bunny doll as a source of comfort. "You've faced worse, you've overcome worse. Don't let this break you."

With a heavy heart, he dragged himself to the shower, the warm water a futile attempt to wash away the ache. "Tomorrow, a new chapter begins at university," he reminded himself, "and I refuse to let the ghosts of my past define me." But for now, the tears continued to fall, a testament to the shattered pieces of his heart.

As he emerged from the shower, the warm water's brief solace gave way to the chilling reality of his heartache. Win's eyes, still red from crying, gazed blankly ahead, his soul heavy with the weight of Ploy's betrayal. "I once vowed to reduce this city to ashes if I ever saw you with someone else."he thought, his voice barely audible over the storm outside. "But today, I couldn't even muster the strength to light a match, watching you hand in hand with Neua."

The painful memory seared his mind like an open wound, refusing to heal. With a deep, anguish-filled breath, he inhaled the bitter taste of heartache, his lungs heavy with the envy and longing he couldn't shake. His legs carried him to the bed, his body surrendering to the exhaustion of his emotional turmoil. As he lay down, the darkness closed in, a constant reminder of the void Ploy had left in his life.

With a despairing sigh, he buried his face in the pillow, the softness a cruel contrast to the harsh reality of his heart's devastation. Sleep, he hoped, would provide a temporary escape from the agony that had taken up residence in his chest, an ache that seemed to reverberate with every beat of his heart.

As the alarm shattered the silence, Win groggily reached over to silence it, then lay back, staring blankly at the ceiling. The memories of yesterday's heartache still lingered, but he knew he had to move on. With a determined sigh, he got out of bed, showered, and prepared himself for the new chapter ahead - his junior year in the fine arts program at the university he once dreamed of attending with Ploy.

His stomach still churned from the previous day's tears, so he skipped breakfast and headed out the door, urging himself onward. "Let's go, Win!" he muttered, as he rushed to catch the bus. At the bus stop, memories threatened to overwhelm him, but he pushed them aside, determined to start anew.

As the bus arrived, he stepped on, finding solace in the window seat. He plugged in his headphones, seeking a distraction from his thoughts. Randomly selecting a trending song, he was surprised to find the melody and harmonies soothing his frazzled nerves. The voice was unfamiliar, but the lyrics resonated deep within him. Little did he know, this was "Lost in Your Memories" by tripleN, an artist whose path he was destined to cross.

As the music washed over him, the gentle breeze rustled his hair, and for a fleeting moment, his signature bunny smile reappeared. The lyrics "I was drawn to your warmth, like a ship to a guiding light" felt like a gentle embrace, as if someone finally understood his deepest longings. The song was a balm to his wounded heart, and he felt a sense of peace settle over him, like a promise of better days to come.

With his earphones still tucked in, Win entered the faculty, lost in the thoughts and memories that lingered from the previous day. As he reached the stairs, he bumped into someone without even noticing, his apology instinctive. "Sorry, I'm really sorry. I was in my thoughts and didn't see you."

The sweet voice that responded sent a shiver down his spine. "It's okay." Win's head jerked up, and his eyes met those of a stunning boy, radiant in his white uniform, as if a spotlight shone on him alone. Win's breath caught, and he stood frozen, his gaze locked on the boy's captivating smile.

But before he could gather his wits, the boy turned and walked away, leaving Win bereft. He tried to chase after him, eager to learn his name, but the boy was already engrossed in conversation with a girl. Win's chance slipped away, leaving him with only the memory of their brief encounter.

Shaking off his disappointment, Win turned to see a familiar face - Third, his schoolmate, standing at the faculty entrance. "Hey! Third!" Win exclaimed, his excitement palpable. "Hey buddy! How did you get here?" Third replied, grinning.

Win's face lit up with joy. "I'm in this faculty, dude!" He threw his arm around Third's shoulder, and they walked together, their footsteps echoing through the corridor. "Let's go, friend! It's almost time for our first class!" United, they faced the new chapter ahead, their bond a comforting constant in this sea of unfamiliar faces.

As Win and Third entered the classroom, they found themselves sitting next to a girl, Fa, due to the lack of available seats. After chatting with Third for a bit, Win's curiosity turned to Fa, who he realized was the same girl he had seen earlier with the captivating boy who had left him stunned. "Hi, nice to meet you!" Win said, starting a conversation.

Fa replied with a warm smile, "Hi, nice to meet you too! I'm Fa. What's your name?"

Win asked, his interest piqued, "I'm Metawin, but call me Win. I saw you earlier with a guy." Win's eyes sparkled with curiosity, eager to learn more about the handsome boy.

Fa's eyes lit up as she replied, "Oh, Nanon! He's my childhood friend. We've been together since we were born." Win's face relaxed into a relieved smile, glad to know they weren't in a relationship.

"Ah, okay! I thought he was your boyfriend!" Win said, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Fa burst out laughing, "Lmao, no way! We're just friends. He's not my type, and he's not into love either."

Win's eyes gleamed with curiosity, but he controlled his desire to ask more about Nanon. Instead, he said, "Let's get to know each other better, friend!"

Fa grinned, her thumb shooting up in approval. "Definitely! Nice to find a new friend, Win!"

As the teacher entered and the lecture began, Win felt grateful for this chance encounter with Fa, eager to learn more about her and maybe even Nanon, but for now, he was content with their newfound friendship.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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