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[Scene: Green Hill, day]

[Several Flickys can be heard chirping. Sonic dashes by, collecting six Rings which were floating above the ground. In another portion of Green Hill, Big the Cat is slowly walking with Froggy on his head. Sonic speeds right by him, causing the cat to spin, and toss his fishing rod into the air..]
Big: Woah!
[Sonic dashes back to Big, and stabilizes him to prevent him from falling over. Big's fishing rod lands back in his hand.]
Sonic the Hedgehog: Sorry, Big. Sorry, Froggy. Can't chat, gotta go help our friends! [Sonic dashes off]
Big: No problem, Sonic! [Big waves in Sonic's direction. Froggy makes a croaking sound.]
[Cuts to next scene. Sonic is running through a different part of Green Hill.]
Sonic: [v.o] Home is where your friends are, as they say [Sonic winks at the viewer.], and that's Green Hill, where the best beaches, palm trees and Chili dogs, are just the tip of the iceberg. [Throughout Sonic's voiceover, the episode cuts to several short flashback clips, first of Amy, Big, Knuckles, Tails, and Birdie around a palm tree, then Amy presenting the palm tree to Sonic, then Tails flying near the tree, and lastly Sonic gazing longingly at a plate of Chili dogs held by Big.] We've saved this place a million times, from this doofus. [While Sonic says this, a clip of Tails, Knuckles and Amy riding the Tornado with Rouge following in tow is played, followed by another clip of Dr. Eggman laughing. After this, it cuts to another clip of Shadow the Hedgehog destroying a rock in Green Hill.] And then there's Shadow. It's complicated, more on him later. [Cuts to another clip of Sonic and co. standing side-by-side in Green Hill. After this clip, the episode returns to showing Sonic's present journey, dashing up the Temple Mountain in Green Hill.] The fact is, we never lose! 'Cause when you got a crew like mine, there's nothing that can stop you!
[Sonic reaches the top of the Temple Mountain, and enters the cavern entrance at the top.]
Sonic: Hey, guys! I made it!
[Amy, Knuckles, Rouge and Tails are shown in the cave, prepared for battle.]
Amy, Knuckles, Rouge and Tails: You're late!
[Cuts to Dr. Eggman who is deeper inside the cave.]
Dr. Eggman: Sonic!
Sonic: Eggman!
[Eggman is shown standing beside the Paradox Prism, partially embedded into the rock. Around him are Orbot, Cubot, and several Burrobots. A giant mech is also seen behind him.]
Dr. Eggman: Just in time to watch me claim the Paradox Prism and transform your disgustingly green world into something more... me. [laughs maniacally]
Sonic: [drops down to the floor of the cavern] Yawn! [Sonic's teammates rush to his side] Yep, I "yawned" you, Eggman.
Dr. Eggman: [Speaking furiously, to his Badniks] Crush them all!
[A horde of Badniks composed of Burrobots, Buzz Bombers, and giant Caterkillers charges forwards from Eggman's side of the cave. Sonic and co. rush towards the Badniks from the opposite side. Sonic destroys a Burrobot with a Spin Attack, Knuckles destroys another one with a punch, Rouge flies through the air, destroying a Buzz Bomber with a kick, Amy destroys another Burrobot with her Piko Piko Hammer, and Tails uses an remote controlled laser cannon to blast a Buzz Bomber. Sonic spins around attacking other Badniks, but is bashed by a Caterkiller, causing him to drop Rings.]
Sonic: Whoa!
[Tails, while flying, catches Sonic.]
Tails: Sonic!
Sonic: Yo, Tails! [Tails, tosses Sonic, who performs a Spin Attack, and speeds towards Knuckles, who is fighting several Badniks.] Knuckles! You okay, buddy?
Knuckles: [Angry] Nothing flusters me, Sonic... [Knuckles grabs an attacking Buzz Bomber, and throws it into a wall.] ...except when you're late. [Knuckles dashes off.]
[A Caterkiller approaches Sonic from behind. Rouge comes in with a swift flying kick, and knocks it away.]
Sonic: Thanks, Rouge!
Rouge: Don't mention it. Literally. [Rouge darts off]
[Amy destroys a nearby Burrobot with her hammer. Its disembodied head starts rolling away, but she catches it. Three Flickies fly out of a hole in the head's underside. Sonic dashes over, and leans on the head.]
Sonic: Amy!
Amy Rose: Sonic! Where have you been?
Sonic: Got a little sidetracked. [Sonic spins off up a wall, and attacks several Badniks. Amy destroys another Badnik with her hammer.]
Dr. Eggman: [Furious] Get that rock out of the ground!
[Several Burrobots attempt to drill away at the rock attacking the Prism to the ground, but are unable to break it.]
Dr. Eggman: Want something done, do it yourself. [Eggman climbs into his mech after grabbing his mustache in frustration.]
[Cuts back to Sonic, who spins over to Tails. They continue fighting Badniks]
Tails: Sonic, we don't know what the Prism is capable of. Be careful.
[Sonic rolls his eyes and dashes off towards Eggman.]
Amy: If Eggman wants it, it can't be good.
Sonic: Got it! [Eggman grips the Prism with his mech, and begins trying to remove it.] Step away from the rock, Eggman!
Dr. Eggman: Not this time, you fool.
[As Sonic gets closer and closer to Eggman, the Prism is shown becoming looser and looser due to Eggman's efforts. Once close enough, Sonic jumps and spins towards Eggman and the Prism.]
Tails: Sonic, wait!
[Sonic is about to hit the Prism, which is glowing brightly]
Amy, Knuckles, Rouge and Tails: Sonic! No!
[The Paradox Prism shatters into shards, producing multicolored beams of light which blast Sonic's friends backwards. Additionally, they are all caught in the blast. Suddenly, all the light in the area is sucked into where the Paradox Prism once was, leaving the area in total darkness.]
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[Opening logo plays]

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