1. Where did my daddy go?

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„Where did my daddy go...?"
Recommended song- Daddy issues


Ah, Barcelona. The city I've been dreaming about for years, well not actually years but you get what I mean, right?

Usually I would be happy that I, finally here, in this wonder of a city, but I'm not here for a good reason. You might be wondering what exactly the reason is, well let me start from the beginning.


2 months ago!

I look around the car park for any sign of my father, Robert cubarsi, but he was no where to be seen.

„where the hell is he?" I groan to myself pulling my hood over my head as it starts to rain.

I take out my phone and call him multiple times, all of them going to voice mail. What is this? He should be here! He promised! He didn't even show up at my practice, the one time he says he can, he misses it. Probably to watch Pau training on this stupid YouTube lives FC Barcelona does aswell.

I was never the favourite, always my brother. Whatever it was it was always, „why didn't you get an A+ like your brother? You should know better hija!" Or „Omg can I get a picture with you, your Pau Cubarsi's sister right?" Never anything about it me.

Like, I get it. My brothers 17 and playing for the same club Messi played at, wow. Is no one gonna acknowledge me, like ever...?

Whenever I called my dad, he didn't answer and the rain was starting to drench my hoodie.

„Why can't I be the favourite just for one day? I wish everyone could just fucking die! How come my brother gets to live in Barcelona but I don't?"  I never knew that I'd regret these words later on...

I get cut off by my thoughts when I feel a cold hand on my shoulder. I turn around to find my headteacher standing there with a sad expression. „we need to talk" she says, sorrow filling her voice.


„W-what, no that's impossible" i say tears drowning my face, as I fall into my principles arms, not accepting the fact that my father had died in a car accident.

„I know this is a lot for you right now Amara but-" She started

"He always wore a seatbelt... I-i don't get it. Where did my daddy go..?" I cry starting to hyperventilate as I fall onto the floor.

Both of my parents were either dead or too busy for me now, I have to move to my brothers house in Barcelona, I'm not legal age to live here in England alone, o have to leave my boyfriend, best friend, home and everything else.

All because of a stupid car accident.


Anyways, you might be wondering who the hell I am. Well it's simple really!

My full name is Amara Cubarsi Paredes, I was born on the 24th of September, exactly 1 day and 3 years after my boyfriend, Jobe Bellingham was born. The age gap between me and Jove is massive, put it this way, he's 19 I'm 15. But hey! In our defence, we love eachother and I'm turning 16 soon! So it's not that bad right...?

I grew up in England, but was born in Germany within the outskirts of a city called 'München' or 'Münich' as you might call it.

I never really knew my siblings, Pau Cubarsi or Irene Cubarsi, because my parents split just after Pau was born and my dad had found a new women after 2 years. I was kind of a mistake after my dad and my 'mum' had not been bothered to wait and skipped the protection and stuff but we'll ignore that for now.

My dad ended up breaking up with that woman after he found out she had been cheating and it ended up with my dad and my actual mom getting back together when I was just 13. Which was two years ago! How iconic, right?

Anyways, we lived in England and Pau had to leave his football career and 'La masia' -FC Barcelona's youngster training academy- . Once my sister Irene turned legal age to own a house, her and my brother moved away to Barcelona as she generally missed her friends and Pau tagged along so he could join his football academy again. That only gave me a year to know my siblings.

My parents constantly called them and never really cared about me or my well being which eventually led to me self harming. Once my parents found out they got mad and got rid of all the sharp things in the house and I stopped. They always saw me as the failure and my mum constantly tho got of me as a dress up doll or a reminder of their break up, guess I was that anyways.

I have short brown hair with hazel eyes and a not thin yet not thick body that I am self-conscious of. I mean girls these days all look absolutely gorgeous and here I am looking like shit...

Anyways I am a quite shy and closed off girl infront of strangers but if I trust someone I'll eventually be Normal around you!


I look around for my siblings and realise they probably forgot so I called a taxi and went to the address they said they lived at.

„where to?" The driver asks

„* ***** lane, the postcode is ******" *I smile sitting back


I finally arrived and I also payed the taxi €15 for the whole trip! I stepped infront of their home nervous but excited as I clutched my suitcase and knocked.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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