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narrative !

kusuo asked the [color]skinned woman who clearly wasn't paying him any mind. she seemed annoyed as hell, well no shit. it was a little petty argument but now that she was thinking about it, it pissed her off.

"yes i'm seriously mad, go run around with that bitch you be nutting in."

"stop acting like a child."

"im 18 smartass, i don't have your extra 2 years of maturity." y/n retorted sassily, her eyebrows furrowed. "weirdo."

"i'm not gonna stay if you're just gonna keep berating me because i don't wanna cum in you." he mumbled, his hands shoved into his pockets. he tilted his head forward to allow his glasses to slide into place properly, his eyes still locked onto y/n having her fit on the bed.

"i'm not berating you and i didn't really want your dirty ass nut in the first place. i just think its weird that you nutted in aiura like 20 times, yet when i bring up nutting in me as a silly joke, YOU act like its the end of the world." she explained, her arms crossing.

it was her feelings, and she wasn't gonna push down that feeling that he's a fucking weirdo just because he thinks the whole argument is dumb.

"you're acting like i just nutted in her."

"well i don't know, DID you?"


the two just stared at each other, a blank expression of kusuos face, and annoyed one on y/n's.

"just get out, you piss me off." y/n mumbled, sliding off her bed and stepping into her slippers. she nudged him towards the door, the two walking side by side while her hand rested on his back to give him occasional pushes.

"you're overreacting..." kusuo expressed once they reached her front door, his eyes locking onto hers. maybe that shouldn't have been his response as he could literally see her eye twitch once she processed his statement.

"it's not overreacting when she was your first everything. YOU overreact every time her name is even said, you still like her kusuo, i can see it." she explained, her head tilting. her hands were all over the place, making random gestures as she spoke, mostly because she was getting heated. she hated when men acted dumb, especially if it was someone as intelligent kusuo.

"you got it."

"i know i got it nigga, get out."

y/n watched as he walked out, them slammed the door behind him, locking it as well. "dumbass bitch, can't stand you fat head ass men..." she mumbled to herself, tears welling in her eyes as she walked back to her room.

cry in front of a man? never.

she picked up her phone like muscle memory, clicking on the facetime icon for her groupchat.

2 ON.

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