Tears and Confessions

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The judge, still reeling from Jungkook's revelation about the faked seizure, furrowed his brow at the new bombshell

"And what about the poison which Kim Taehyung added to your soup ?" he repeated slowly, his gaze flickering between Jungkook and a very uncomfortable looking Taehyung

Jungkook threw his head back and laughed shaking his head "Just a harmless dose of vitamins, Your Honor"

A wave of relief washed over Taehyung, He watched, heart pounding, as Jungkook continued each word a hammer blow against Kris's carefully constructed lie.

tears escaped taehyung's eyes, He hadn't realized how much tension he'd been holding until Jungkook came like a savior

Taehyung looked at the place where naina was sitting, their eyes met, naina choked a sob and a wobbly smile appeared on her lips as she wiped her tears with the back of her hands

Taehyung's own vision blurred slightly, a lump forming in his throat. He fought back his tears, but a single tear escaped, tracing a glistening path down his cheek.

As their eyes locked, a memory flickered in Taehyung's mind, a tender scene from not too long ago.

"Do you trust me, Tae?" Naina's words echoed in his mind

Back then, without hesitation, he had squeezed her into a tight hug and trusted her blindly, that's was the best decision of his life.

taehyung's heart skipped a bit when he turned to look at jungkook as his eyes met Jungkook's.

He hadn't realized Jungkook was already looking at him with his love filled gaze

A soft smile tugged at the corners of Jungkook's lips as he stared at taehyung's teary face

His voice, thick with emotion, echoed through the courtroom, "Just because of kim taehyung," he began, his eyes never leaving Taehyung's face

"I'm standing here in front of you all. He" Jungkook continued, his arm extending towards Taehyung "is the one who took care of me when I needed him most."

"Because of you, Tae," Jungkook continued, his voice low and husky with emotion. "Because of your unwavering love and loyalty, I'm here today"

"If it wasn't for his love, for the way he fought for me, you wouldn't see me standing here today. He gave me a second chance, a chance to live, a chance to love, who fought for me even when the world seemed to crumble around us."

Taehyung's breath hitched in his throat as jungkook's words echoed through the courtroom. He wasn't expecting this, not at all. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, willing himself not to break down right there

A choked sob escaped Taehyung's lips. The weight of the accusations, the fear of losing Jungkook forever, all came crashing down in a wave of relief.

When he opened them again, they met Jungkook's gaze. A small, genuine smile played on Jungkook's lips, a silent message that spoke volumes.

"I LOVE YOU, PUP" Jungkook mouthed silently across the distance, his voice a husky whisper that only Taehyung could hear

The love confession shattered the dam within Taehyung. Tears streamed down his face, a mixture of relief, gratitude, and the overwhelming love he felt for Jungkook.

He stole another glance at Jungkook, whose own eyes were now filled with a soft concern. A small, reassuring smile played on Jungkook's lips, a silent promise that jungkook will save him, no matter what

"The judge's brow furrowed in confusion. "But Jungkook," he pressed,

"according to the medical reports submitted as evidence, you were unconscious for a significant amount of time after the alleged attack. How, then, could you possibly know anything about Jeon Kris's involvement?"

"I was never unconscious my lord, right from the beginning"

The crowd gasped hearing jungkook's revelation and taehyung stared at his boyfriend with huge doe eyes.

"Even though I couldn't move a muscle, but i was hearing everything. Every conversation, every plan they made, every cruel laugh at my supposed demise. The first two days were the hardest. The pain was excruciating, It felt like they were deliberately withholding medication" Jungkook's dark eyes locked onto his uncle, the glare so intense it could have burned holes through him.

"But then," Jungkook continued, his voice softening slightly, "my angel arrived," he said as he locked eyes with his boyfriend

"He brought me the medication I so desperately needed, and more importantly, his presence brought a sense of comfort and calm I hadn't known since i hurt you that day" His eyes lingered on Taehyung, Jungkook gulped wiping a tear with back of his hand

"The hardest part, perhaps, was hearing your cries, Taehyung. Every worried word, every tear that fell – it echoed in the silence around me. how I wanted to reach out, to comfort you the way you comforted me."

"And God," he whispered to himself, "how much I wanted to kiss you back then, when you used to lean down and press your lips against mine"

"After the initial days of pain subsided," he continued "I began to observe more intently. It was then that I witnessed naina tampering with a camera in the room and taehyung adding medicine in my soup secretly, i realized that something is terribly wrong"

"So, yoongi and i started digging for answers, Yoongi even managed to sneak some food in for me, I asked yoongi to keep this as secret not tell jimin and taehyung that I was actually conscious all the time"

"Despite our combined efforts, we couldn't find anything concrete. It was as if they were one step ahead of us at every turn."

"But that night," he began, his words laced with venom as he glared at his uncle and aunt seated across the courtroom, "everything changed."

"After being blackmailed by Jeon Kris," Jungkook continued, his jaw clenched tight, "naina and kabir approached me. They revealed a video, a horrifying truth laid bare before my eyes."

He paused dramatically "The video," he stated, his voice dropping to a low growl,

"confirmed my worst nightmares. The people who were conspiring to kill me none other than..." he trailed off, letting his eyes pierce his aunt and uncle directly, "...my own family"

With trembling breaths, Jungkook continued, his voice barely a whisper,

"They... they were trying to take my legacy and now I learn... they were also responsible for the deaths of the ones I loved most."

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