Chapter 11.)

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( Told from the P.O.V. of the girl who is now a ghost when they were a mortal. This is before they went to the asylum)

The young lady has packed her things for the journey that awaits her and also what she considers being needed upon her arrival.

Her husband,the circumstances in which they died was not clear,is thought to have passed away in the war or after returning to the village, at least that is what is thought anyway.

Whatever happened  she decided to stay with relatives, as they doubt they could be capable of performing the most simplist of tasks on her own.

When they arrive, her Aunt and Uncle try to quiz her, try to coax her into telling the full details of her wanting to stay with them.

"I will just come out with it. Forgive me if I am asking too much, but to what do we owe this unexpected visit?" Her Uncle asks.

Their Aunt is visibly quite uncomfortable about him prying into matters concerning her life. After all, if there is an issue that is hard to talk about, their soon to be kinswoman will reveal more when the time is right for them.

"Our niece, I suspect is tired from their journey. Why don't I fix us some supper and we can talk more in the morning?" Her Aunt says before heading for the kitchen.


When they have tidied their things away and prepared themself after their journey, the young lady joins her relatives for dinner. As they are heading downstairs, the smell of one of her Aunts beatiful meals greets them. They smile, all the memories of their childhood coming flooding back to them then.

They would often pay a visit to their Aunt and Uncle. Although they had little, they would always make sure that their niece never went without.

"There you are, I hope you are hungry..." Then correcting herself. "You eat as much as you can. The long journey must have taken it out of you." Her Aunt said as she busied herself preparing for this evening's meal.

When the meal is served, very little in the way of conversation does the girl offer. They are visibly trying to keep their eyes open.

"Please, I don't mean to be rude. The meal was as delicious as always, but I must retire to bed for the night. Please excuse me. I wish you both goodnight."

After she had gone, the Uncle turns to his wife: "Is it just me, or does it seem as if they are sickening for something?"

"Try not to worry dear, I'm sure it's just the after effects of such a long journey. 'Tis a long way from where they come from to here, after all. I think I should head off to bed myself. Are you coming up now?"

"I will be up soon." Before the reply even left their lips, they knew there was no truth behind his words. Unable to shake the emotions away. They knew something was wrong with their niece.

The next thing moment it would seem like a minute had passed, it was past four O'clock in the morning!


When the sun rises to meet the coming day, we find the young lady in much better spirits. The energy of a girl of her years returning.

I should so very much like to go for a stroll in the woodland area near to here. I may be from a village, a far more developed one than here I may add, but a part of me is still the little girl who used to love the woodlands so much.
It is in such places that I feel at home, where I am more relaxed.
She thought to herself.


Reached my destination now. I keep in mind my bearings, but become confused the deeper I go into the woodland...

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