The Lurking Steel Titan

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Penny could barely contain her excitement. Finally, they'd get their best lead back. The plan would be on track again. Her friends who had missed the invasion of the Fairy Crew's base, however, didn't share her enthusiasm.

"Hold up. So this brat wants us to forget about saving Paldea so we can go on a fetch quest for him?" Mela asked.

"It's...more complicated than that," Ortega said.

Atticus crossed his arms. "I shall trust thine judgment. But where, pray tell, are these titans this 'brat' speaks of?"

As if in response to Atticus's question, Ortega's phone chimed once again. This time, Arven had sent an attachment. A file of map data. Ortega forwarded the info to Penny's phone first, then to each of his allies' phones as well. "Bring the Herba Mystica to the Poco Path Lighthouse," Arven had written. "I'll meet you there."

Penny swiped her screen for the map app and zoomed out. She already had their current location highlighted in pink, and now the five titans' homes appeared as well-- two in a bight yellow hue, one in a dull red, and the final two were grayed out. The red marker was centered on a tiny island in the middle of Casseroya Lake. The false dragon titan. Probably marked red so Team Star knew not to go there. Arven had a pretty liberal definition of the word "close," though. Leaving from the Ruchbah Squad, he was getting farther and farther away from his goal. And if Juliana was taking the gym challenge first, it would add even more time before he was successful.

Right as Mela raised her hand and asked what the hell Herba Mystica was, Ortega's phone chimed once more, showing a photo of their prize. Penny looked it over and noted the details. Hopefully it wouldn't be too difficult to find a glowing, sparkly plant in a dark cave.

"The 'brat' hath uncanny timing in his communications," noted Atticus.

The group nodded their agreement. But they were left in debate about how to divide their resources between the titans. No one really wanted to empty a full base out and leave it unprotected. Yet Arven's information suggested Juliana still posed no urgent threat. At last they agreed that if they each took roughly half a crew with them and worked quickly, Penny could bring the Herba Mystica to the lighthouse herself. Then everyone could get back to work with minimal interruption.

All that remained was which crew and boss would tackle each titan.

"I fear mine Pokemon would be rendered helpless against a steel-type," Atticus mused. "Whereas Dragalge and Toxapex, with paltry adjustments to their movesets, could prove themselves formidable foes against a ground-type. Many of my crew members have similar partners."

"I can back ya up, too," Giacomo said. "Especially if I round up some of my Dark Crew pals from school. Plus, I got a Cacnea and a Murkrow I've been training who could use some ground-pummeling practice."

"I'll take the steel one," Eri said.

"Me too!" Mela said, raising her hand. Not that she needed to, but with the other options being her fire team's two biggest weaknesses, Penny understood her enthusiasm.

"You two certainly don't need any help for that," she chuckled. Then she looked to Ortega. "Where do you want to go?"

"I'm useless against steel, too," he muttered. "I guess Azumarril could help with the ground-type, but geez, why did Arven leave the dragon-type out? I could crush it!"

Penny looked back at the map. It was true that Mela and Eri wouldn't need her or Ortega, but that left four of them ganging up on the ground titan. It didn't feel like the best use of resources, especially when she and Ortega were two of the strongest trainers Team Star had.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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