Chapter 2 - Ugh

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"So, where are we going? I haven't asked yet." I asked finishing my red vine.

"We are on our way to Ogallala to pick up Gilinsky and Matthew."

"What the hell?! You know that Gilinsky and I don't get along. Why didn't you fucking tell me he was coming?"

"Because I knew that this would be your reaction." He said gesturing to me.

"We'll  be staying there for a night and then we will fly to Vegas tomorrow morning. That's where the bus will be." He continued, "Cameron, Nash, Shawn, Aaron, Matthew, Jack and I, You, Sammy, Carter and the Dolan twins. I'm pretty sure that you haven't met anyone so be careful, they get pretty... intense."

"I'm like 102% sure I can handle this. Plus everyone is pretty attractive so this will be super fun." I say with a wink.

"Damn. Get at allllll of dat... DAT ASS."

"Whatever JJ. I'm going to sleep so wake me up when we're there."

"Yes my Queen." he laughs

"I love you JJ."

"Love you to Adie."


"Wake up Ugly. We're here." He said swiping my pillow from under my head.

"Fuck you, I was cozy."

"Sucks to suck."

"You would know." I said jumping out of the car.

As we both grab our bags out of the trunk, a roar of screaming fans came running towards us.

"RUN ADIE!!" JJ screams.

We both hurry and grab our bags, slam the trunk shut, and book it inside of the hotel. We get guided into the back room by security.

"Johnson?" some Justin Bieber look alike said.

He's hot. I'm enjoying this already.

"Hey man. Did girls swarm you too?"

"Nope. I came to come and get you and her..." he points to me and continues "She's hot."

"She has ears." I laugh. "I'm Adie, and you must be Justin Biebers twin?"

"Wow, clever. I haven't heard that one before. I'm Matthew. But you can just call me Matt." He offers his hand.

"I'm a hugger" I say giving him a huge hug.

"I like you already. Well, Jack is upstairs. Shall we?" He asks offering his arm.

"We shall." I giggle.

Ew. Did I just giggle? Gross.

Matt is super cute... Especially his smile.. I need to stop.


"Let's scare him." I say before we walk into the hotel room.

"No. You're just going to piss him off. Then we will have 2 people on their period." Johnson said with a laugh.

"You and Gilinsky? Yeah no. If you don't, Matt and I will. You choose."

"Fine. But we do it my way."

"Deal!" I whisper yelled.

Johnson suggested that we go in and smack cam him. I thought it was brilliant. Each of us will be hiding from him so when he turns a different corner, he will get smacked.

I walk in first and get in my position. I get out my phone to text Johnson but before I knew it, my face was covered in shaving cream.

"SMACK CAM BITCH!" Gilinsky yelled while he fell to the floor laughing.

"I hate you Gilinsky!"

"Hate Johnson for ratting you out, fucking whore."


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