Part 1

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Y/n pov:

"Babe have you seen my jacket?"

I say looking through my closet trying to get ready for when we go to a club tonight for one of Dottores band gigs. "Nope haven't seen it.." I hear Dottore say as he puts on his converse. I let out a soft huff and continued looking for my jacket, as I continue rummaging in my closet I heard a sigh behind me and something over my back. Looking up I see Dottore putting on his dark leather jacket on my shoulders.

"Here just take this for tonight..." Dottore says as he walks into the living room I smile slightly to myself, putting my arms through the sleeves before following after him into the living room. I see him sitting on the couch waiting for me with his bass guitar in its case beside him. Once he noticed me he smiled and stood up from the couch and picked up the guitar case and walked over to me. "You ready to go baby?" He says as his hands finds its way to my waist. I look up at him and nod my head before he opens the door for me to walk outside

"Ladies first.." He says with a smile gesturing me to walk through the door I let out a laugh before walking through hearing Dottore close and lock the door behind us before he wrapped his arm fully around my waist. "Damn how do you always look so hot.." He says as we walk down the hallway out the apartment complex and I smile up at him. Soon enough we made it to his car and he unlocked the car and opened the door for me as usual. After he put his bass in the backseat and got into the drivers seat beside me and started the car.

We drove off to the bar and I felt him occasionally glance over at me a slight smirk on his face before focusing back on the road. I smile as I look over and see passing car lights illuminating his face, looking back out the window I see the dark night sky but unfortunately not many stars. Before I knew it we were already at the bar for Dottores band gig, we both step out the car and he takes his bass out the backseat and quickly makes his way to me placing his hand on my hip before we walk inside the bar. It already seemed pretty full already people taking every seat and people ordering their drinks at the bar.

Dottore leads me to the back behind the stage and I see Columbina their singer talking with her girlfriend Arlecchino along with Scaramouche their electric guitarist and Childe their drummer checking if their instruments are ready for the show. Columbina realizes Dottore arrived and crossed her arms as she looked at him. "You're late.." Scaramouche says with a scowl as he glances up at him and back down at his electric guitar. Dottore just left out a laugh before he looked over at Columbina.

"Columbina how much time do we have left until we're on stage?"

"Thirty minutes"

She replied quickly looking over at him before looking over at me and giving me a smile and wave before she looked back at Arlecchino with a smile. Columbina was always so sweet but she can be scary at times. I smile giving a wave back "That's enough time for me.." I heard Dottore say as he opens his guitar case and takes out his bass as it shined in the light the red shade on the base matching Dottores eyes.

"Alright I'm gonna go to the bar and wait for the show to start" I say looking up at Dottore, he looks over at me and smiles before leaning in and placing a kiss on my neck "Alright wish me luck baby.." Dottore says and I kiss him back on his lips before walking out to the front where people are drinking and chatting together. I find a seat at the bar and sit down ordering a drink for myself while waiting for Dottore and his band to come up on stage.

After 30 minutes the lights dim except for the stage lights and Dottore and the rest of them step onto the stage, I smiled as I seen Dottore up on that stage, I took one last sip of my drink before sitting comfortably in my seat to watch the show. They introduced their band and started playing, it always mesmerized me how Dottore could play the bass like it was nothing.

I loved hearing him play it didn't matter when or where I loved it, I loved him. I heard the crowd cheer as the music played as they drank and threw their hands in the air by listening to the talented musicians on stage. After the show I walked to the back of the stage and seen Dottore putting his bass back in its case. Coming up from behind him I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my head against his back as I hugged him tightly.

"You were amazing darling!" I say smiling brightly as he turned around and placed his hand behind my head giving me a soft kiss "Thanks baby..." He says with a smile before closing his case and looking back at me "How about we have a couple of drinks before we go home.." Dottore says wrapping his arm around my waist holding me close "Not a bad idea"

I say looking up at him with a slight grin as I hold onto his arm, he lets out a chuckle before waving his fellow band members goodbye I give a small wave to them before me and Dottore walk to the front and go to the bar for a couple of drinks. Most people watched us as we drank some brave enough to compliment Dottores performance, even asking if he comes back often so they can watch their band more. After a couple drinks me and Dottore decided to go home, as we walked out the club doors we felt the cold late night breeze hit us.

Dottore gently squeezes my waist with his hand as we walk to his car keeping me close protecting me from the cold. We made it to the car and drove home excited for our heads to hit the pillows and sleep peacefully. Once we made it home we walked inside the apartment complex and unlocked our apartment door. I crash onto the living room couch and lay there for a couple moments looking up at the ceiling.

Dottore walks over to me and kisses my forehead. "I'm gonna go take a shower real quick I'll be right back..endless you wanna join me?.." He says with a grin "No thanks I'm good I'll just take one after you..." I say with a slight smile looking over at him, he lets out a chuckle and shrugs. "Suit yourself" He says before he walks into the bedroom and into the bathroom.

We both finished taking showers and crawled into bed. I nuzzled up against Dottore and let out a soft sigh tired from the day. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close making me feel his warmth beside be as the covers of the bed protected both of us from the coldness of the room. "Night princess.." I heard Dottore say quietly as he relaxed his body and closed his eyes. "Goodnight..." I say closing my eyes with a soft smile before letting myself be consumed by my dreams.

Both of us falling asleep in each others arms...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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