Leaving Life Behind

21 3 1

*Not edited


I didn't want to go, but I sure as hell didn't want to stay.

If I had a choice, this would be a huge dilemma, but I didn't have a choice, so I was going.

I didn't want to leave my friends or my room or my boyfriend, Aaron, and even though it wasn't my decision and even though I had tons more decisions to make, that was the only "decision" on my mind.

As a sat on my bed, packing my gigantic suitcase I sulked and wished I was anyone but me.

Although, parents had offered to ship over more suitcases with my shoes, accessories and extra clothes, I denied and simply asked for a credit card to replace my stuff; shipping was expensive and since I couldn't physically hit them for sending me here, I would make their credit card take a hit.

Also with unlimited access to a platinum credit card, I could buy stuff for my wannabe roommate named....what's her name? All I remember was something something, ass.

Anyway, it wouldn't matter if I remembered her name, with one pair of Gucci shoes or diamond earrings, I could have her begging at my feet to be my lapdog.

People say friendship is formed through trust. Friendship is for suckers. Followers and servants are formed through credit cards.

After finally jamming my suitcase shut, I yelled for my personal butler and temporary limo driver, "Matt, I'm ready to go. I need my bags down in five minutes and while you're at it order me an appt at a spa near Westville Academy; I'll need some relaxation time after the exhausting ride on father's private jet."

"Yes, master Becca." Matt replied formally as he climbed the spiral staircase.

"Thank you!" When I wanted too I could be nice, but very few people saw that side of me.

Matt was one of the few, but only because when I was little and my parents were "too busy working" he would keep me company. He was my first best friend and probably why the reason I believe that best friends and friends in general work to serve and please you.

After I couple painful hours of car rides and no wifi planes, I finally arrived at the school.

One glance at it made me realize that although the sign read Westville Academy, I was at r wrong place. It was small and normal. My parents would never send me to a horrid place like this. They probably meant to send me to a fancy boarding school for the rich, but the papers got mixed up.

Of course, that's it. It would be a simple fix considering I arrived 3 days early due to not wanting to enter at the same time as the common folk. I swiftly pulled out my iPhone 7, yep I said 7. You see, people like me have the best and we will pull and push on any buttons to get us what we want even if it's not for sale yet...hence the fabulous unreleased iPhone 7.

Briinnnggg brrriiinnggg! They finally picked up on the third ring.

"Hello, sweetie, how are you? Did you arrive safely?"

"Yes, of course I'm fine, but I do think you've made a mistake with my location. This school is...how do I say it...well, this school is normal. It is most definitely not for people like us."

" I'm afraid there's no mistake, love. Your teachers recommended this school to help you see how most people live and to help you relate to people better so that you can learn to respect the working class. To be honest, most people actually consider this a big fancy boarding school. I spoke to Astrid's parents and they seem to believe this is high quality." She said formally as if she was speaking to a client or telling me the weather forecast.

"E-ex-excuse me? I'm sorry, but I am the working class. do you know how long it took me to do this make up?" I screeched as my voice reached that high prissy tone.

"Well maybe it's for the best, love. And while we're on the subject, I'm cutting you off. Dad's already cancelled your platinum credit card."

"What?!?" I practically screamed.

" Don't worry, not like that. You'll still receive a respectable allowance, but we shall be giving you the amount that an average kid gets per week. You can still keep your fancy clothes though, even though...." She trailed off. She usually kept such a calm and orderly composure even in distress so I knew it had to be something bad if she was this hesitant to tell me.

"Just spit it out, mom." I urged with venom dripping from my voice.

"You'll have towearuniforms"

"What? Mother, I have no idea what you're saying." God, why couldn't this woman speak clearly.

She took a deep breath "You'll have to wear uniforms." She said clearly but much quieter.

I didn't respond. I couldn't respond. I wouldn't respond. Like father says, don't associate yourself with the enemy. How could my own mother do this to me? Sure, I barely knew her because she was always traveling, but I had at least hoped that she knew me well enough to know how important clothes and my sense of style are to me. With uniforms I couldn't show off my designer clothes and show my dominance to the wanna-be's. And even though I would never admit it, my fashion was my one true outlet. It was how I expressed who I was. It gave me hope that maybe if my parents saw picture of me they could now who I was even though they never talked to me unless it was about business. Without saying another word, I quickly hung up and sighed.

No money, no clothes, no individualism. This was going to be a long year.

Hey my peepsicles!

So how was that? Any questions? Should I add a love interest? I can't wait to see how my co-writer did Astrid's POV. Unlike Becca, she seems quite stoked for "normal people" board school at Westville Academy!

As usual, thanks so much for reading!


P.S. I am doing this chapter on my mobile device so I can't seem to find cast but as in the first chapter, Victoria Justice is still Becca!!!!! When I get around to editing this on my laptop, I will officially add cast to this chapter.

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