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Rhea Levesque
Rhea is the daughter of most powerful Mafia in the US The Judgement Day, Triple H but she knows him as dad. Rhea life growing up as the daughter of a Mafia boss was not always sunshine and rainbows, but she pushed through with her stubbornness and always being in charge, made it easier. It only got worse when her mom suddenly passed away. When she was 10 years old, she don't know why, well nobody never told her. 3 years after that, her dad remarried to Stephanie, their relationship is ok. Growing up, her dad made her train, she's good in weaponry, combat. When she turned 18 she already earned the name the nightmare eradicate, because when she had to, she can paint the town red and get business done. And she cannot forget her pain in the ass little brother Austin. When she was younger she would get bullied at school, It started after her mom passed away. She started to get panic attacks And she had depression, She didn't want to tell her father because she knew He was going through a lot and had to take care of the family business, She was definitely not telling her younger brother. She resorted into self harm, one day Austin found out he made a promise to her that if she felt urge to do it again, they can just spar and trained together instead. Every once in a while, she'll get flashbacks and panic attacks, but her brother will always be there to help her through it. Her friends know, or her dad and Stephanie do not know, she wants to keep it that way.

Roman Reigns35Roman is the son of second most powerful Mafia boss in the US The Bloodline, Sika Anoa'i the streets know his father, as Don

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Roman Reigns
Roman is the son of second most powerful Mafia boss in the US The Bloodline, Sika Anoa'i the streets know his father, as Don. Reigns. Growing up, his father trained and taught so he can be in charge one day. Which made him self-centered, stubborn and bossy. His enemies and the people who fear him call him The Tribal Chief. He would do whatever it takes to be to be in charge, it doesn't matter who gets in his way, he's going to stop them and he mean business. He was trained how to use any type of gun and in combat.
To this day, he does not know why they stopped being friends with The Judgment Day. Roman knows that his dad knows the truth, but he won't tell him. He hopes one day they can come back together and take over the world like they used to.
But time will tell. Awesome he has some of the top Elite People working under him. When Roman was a teenager and a young adult, he would have girlfriends and his father would disapprove of his girlfriends. Yes, some of them were gold diggers or cheated on him, but he loved them, and sometimes that will cause an argument with him, and his father. His dad always say I'm only trying to do what's best for us and this family, but Roman didn't care. There are times when his dad would try to pair him with different girls from the other mafias. He never really liked them all their personalities were the same, they never stood up to him, they were just there to please him, he didn't like it. So he just stopped dating for a while. That really made him lose his idea of what love is. And his cousins and Naomi would always cheer him up. Either they will go out or do fun activities at home.

 Either they will go out or do fun activities at home

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