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Late at night an explosion rocks the international airport of mustafa and people run far from the are in terror as heroes arrive to help where they can and the dragon heor ryukyu is seen with the best jeanest looking at a blown up plane “looks like a simple malfunction in the engines” ryukyu nods until she sees something “then what's this?” she picks up a piece of scrap metal with burns on it looking like it was shot by a laser “i don't think this was an accident” before they could continue their conversation more rumbling is heard and they look to see three vehicles coming there way until they stop showing a bike with pink and yellow accents on ot with gunmetal gray, a tank with dark blue and gunmetal gray and yellow lines and finally a jet with ocean blue, gray, teal and orange with yellow lines as well on it before the vehicles shift there parts around before several men are shown each looking menacing and ryukyu backs up while the best jeanist scoffs “looks like we found our small time villains responsible for this mess” he says “jeanist we should be careful” the dragon hero says to the best jeanist “oh please these empty headed fools won't be that much of a problem!” All of a sudden the three villains' chests open and a blue orb floats out before the one in blue, teal, and orange speaks in a cocky manner “only~ three things wrong with that little theory!” The two pro heroes get into a fighting stance as the villain continues “one were not small time!” he puts a finger up “two were not empty headed!” he throws a second finger up “and three!” Suddenly the villain grows armor on them and the blue one speaks in a sinister voice “problems my middle name!” 

Late at night an explosion rocks the international airport of mustafa and people run far from the are in terror as heroes arrive to help where they can and the dragon heor ryukyu is seen with the best jeanest looking at a blown up plane “looks lik...

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Suddenly the villain raises his arms and shoots lasers at the two making the heroes back up and take cover before the other two villains back off as well and Ryukyu looks up as the blue villain flies above her and the best jeanist “this is captain jetstorm speaking!” The villain says as he's broadcasted through the PA system and heard throughout the airport “please feel free to move about the tarmac!” jetstorm says before transforming into a jet and dive bombing the best jeanist “and flee for your miserable little life!” he finishes in a sinister voice as he fires at the jeanist hitting his shoulder and making the hero grunt as he falls to the ground, ryukyu was about to run to his aid but a bike gets in her way and looks at her “going my way?” it says in a chill tone before revving its engine and speeding directly at her making her jump up and away from it directly into jetstorm as he rams into her and attaches a cable to her making her trail behind him before his head turns to look directly at her “fasten your seatbelts and prepare for a little…turbulence!” He says in a calm and cocky manner before doing a barrel roll and turns towards the main building of the airport “it's gonna be a bumpy night!” he says with a sinister growl.

Eraserhead and all might run towards Jeanist as he dodges more shots from the bike as it does circles around him but before they could get to him an explosion sends eraserhead flying back and into all might who catches him “you alright eraserhead?” The underground hero nods as a tank rolls to them and its cannon spins with the center lighting up and the two heroes jump away as it fires at them exploding the ground where they were just standing and all might chuckles as he speaks “surrender now villain!” the tank growls before it speaks “tankor! Pulverize!” suddenly the tank transforms into a giant armored villain with two claw hands and tread feet and a helmet with a visor and two searchlights on the side

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