A Shared Pain(xiaoxgnreader)

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-tiny angst(because trauma)

-mentions of blood and injury
-mentions of corpses and fire

-reader uses they-them but is described as wearing some masc clothing
-xiao and reader comfort each other about their similar trauma
-some of xiaos lore is used
-is meant to be seen as romantic but can maybe be seen as platonic

Info:-reader uses they-them but is described as wearing some masc clothing-xiao and reader comfort each other about their similar trauma-some of xiaos lore is used-is meant to be seen as romantic but can maybe be seen as platonic

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[Y\N] was laying against one of their deceased friends graves, them not even trying to wipe away their tears since they knew more would just fall down.

"...I miss you...."

[Y\N] mumbled, tears running down their face as they wiped their nose, sniffling.

"Why... Why did you all have to leave...?"

[Y\N]s voice cracked, them quietly sobbing as they loosely wrapped their arms around the grave, slouching down on their knees, remembering the raging flames that took the people they loved away, remembering their charred corpses that took days to fully recover, remembering how they were the only ones who went to the funeral since everyone else was already dead.

"I wish... I wish I did something...." [Y\N] felt like it was their fault, like they were to blame, even if they knew they didn't do anything, the survivors guilt was constantly eating at them, making them feel as though that maybe, just maybe if they came back to the village sooner, they would all still be alive.

[Y\N] sniffled and cried as they leaned against the grave of one of their close friends, their eyes shut before they heard the grass rustling, their eyes opening wide as they looked around quickly. "Who...?"

They calmed down a bit when they saw Adeptus Xiao walk up to them, him having been in the bushes for quite a while but not wanting to intrude on [Y\N]s grieving. "Ah... Adeptus Xiao...."

[Y\N] wiped their tears trying to act like they were fine, unaware that Xiao had been watching them for a while and knew for a fact [Y\N] was definitely not fine at all. "Hello... [Y\N]."

Xiao stood behind them, staring at the graves. "Do... You know all of these gravestones...?" [Y\N]s breath caught in their throat before they looked away, slowly nodding. "Yes... I-I was...."

Xiao hummed lowly, sitting next to [Y\N]. "Were... You close with all of them...?" [Y\N] once more nodded slowly, them wiping away their tears, although it didn't do much. "They... Used to live in the village I, um... Grew up in...." Xiao frowned a bit, looking down for a moment.

[Y\N] had told Xiao about that village quite a few times, Xiao knowing how much guilt [Y\N] felt for the fire that destroyed their home since they felt it was their fault, the guilt constantly weighing on their mind and shoulders.

"I... See. My condolences." Xiao sat next to [Y\N], his head tilted down before he took a deep breath. "I... Lost people close to me as well."

[Y\N] hummed lowly, remembering how Xiao had told them about the Yaksha and his Karmic Debt, [Y\N] leaning their head against Xiaos shoulder, looking rather tired, their eyes puffy and red, them sighing heavily, wiping their eyes.

"...I'm sorry." Xiao glanced at [Y\N], hearing their mumbling. "...You have nothing to apologize for. It's not your fault...." [Y\N] felt a lump in their throat, them shutting their eyes as they slowly fell asleep, feeling tired from crying so much.

Xiao gently rubbed [Y\N]s shoulder, closing his eyes as well. "Don't worry... It'll be okay...." Xiao whispered so [Y\N] didn't wake up from their nap, Xiao kissing [Y\N]s forehead gently, his scarred lips being surprisingly soft. "Have sweet dreams...."


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07 ⏰

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