Oh how much i hate this!

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I soon as the bell rang I hurried to gather my things before Ross could come near me , FAIL ! he raped his arm around my waist held the toy in the other "sup partner"he said with smirk , " If you don't move your arm I'm going to snap it in half" I say through my clenched teeth."Im good" he shrugged oh how much I want choke the soul out his body"your house after school" I simply say walking away but you guessed right he yanked me back still with his arm round his waist . "Not so fast " he whispers in my ear "what do you want Lynch"i ask not looking at him"we talked about this I want you to stop being mad at me " he whisper again "sorry but not going to happen" this time I walk away heading to my home room were me and the girls were gonna meet before lunch today.

" Hey" I greeted with a grunt as I sit down in one of the empty desk that was placed in the circle.

" Hey" they all greeted smiling " So I was thinking we should all go to the mall for some... SHOPPING ! " Cheered Rydel clapping her hands" I don't know" I mumbled unsure " You have to come " Rydel whined crossing her arms "Why what are we shopping for?" I asked taking a hand full of chips for the bag that was being handed around.

"I don't I just like shopping" Maia and Rydel laughed I joyed in after "Well sorry I have a project to do with you brother" I roll my eyes taking the baby out of my lap. Yeah how motherly right.

" It won't be that bad" Maia said with a reassuring smile "Yeah and I'll bring you your favorite ice from the mall" nodded Rydel with a smile.

"I guess" I shrugged lunch went by quickly and so did the last couple of classes. I grab all my stuff and walked outside.
The springs air blew my hair back. I keep walking carry the fake baby in one arm and my phone in my hand.

HONK! HONK! I look over to see Ross in his car with the passenger window down  "Get in" he demanded "No thanks I can't walk" I say "No, hop in" he demanded again. I shake my head no walking away. In the corner of my eye I see him pull over and getting out of his.
I huff stoping in front of him.

"Car" he demanded "I said I'm good" he grabbed be the waist I looked over my shoulder a old lady smiled at me I smiled back. I was so tempted to scream help but there was no use.

He gets me into the car he soon gets into the drivers seat " I should yell rape" I mumble " Your so stubborn" he said turning into his drive way " Yeah,whatever" I say getting out waiting by the door for him to open in.

As soon as we get in the baby started crying " Aww baby stop crying " I say rocking the baby back and forth in my arms but it wouldn't stop crying.

"Really Laura I leave for a second and the baby starts crying" Ross said taking the baby out of my arms " Oh, shut up" I grunt he rocked the baby in his arms then soon it quite down.

"Want any thing to eat?" He asked I shook my head no "Cool lets go to my room" I take the baby and follow him up to his room with my bag.

"Okay let's get this over with " I mumble setting the baby on the bed. He layed on his bed with his arms behind his head. I seat on the bean bag chair and get our papers we had to do.

"Laur come lay with me" he said patting a spot next to him on the bed "over my dead body " I spat looking back in my bag for a pencil.

When I look back up I see him ready to seat on the floor in front of me "ugh".

We were in the middle of our paper when we started arguing over the baby's name "No i said I wanted Crystal" I protest "But I said it was a boy and his name is going to be Zachary" he protested back we were both standing shouting back and forth "But guess what I'm the mom so.... I was cut off when his lips met mine.

I was in shocked at first but then I gave in to the sweetness. Moments later we were in a full make out.

To be continued

I'm so sorry for not posting in forever but here you go I hope you like it please share and vote !!!

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