Part 12

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I ran out of the classroom looking for fresh air because after what I read I felt like I couldn't breath.

I ran to go outside when I suddenly bumped into someone, and of course it was a F7 boy and of course it was the one who thinks I'm a game.


Jake looked down at me and asked, " Hey are you okay princess?" I nodded and wanted to walk through but Jake blocked the way. He smiled and said," You know I forgive you for what you did, so no need to cry"

I looked up at Jake and said," You really have a huge ego don't you?" Jake smiled and as he was talking I saw that bitch Yerin. How could she do this and why is she so crazy over the assholes.

As she was walking I saw Heesung her biggest crush and then I had a plan, yes it was stupid but she deserved it for what she said about me.

I ran up to Heesung and said in his ear," Don't take this personally I just need payback." and then I kissed him. I put my arm around his head and obviously he was shocked and I really don't like him but I need him.

As I was kissing him I looked at Yerin and she looked like she wanted to cry and ran off. .

When he broke it off he said,"  YOU JUST KISSED ME!"

I looked at his and sighed," I didn't want to kiss you I just needed you for something"

Heesung raised his eyebrow and asked," what?" I didn't make eye contact with him and then he said," You better tell me or I blame you for sexually assulting me.." Then he smirked like the ass he is. I said," I needed you to scare of a friend because she was a toxic friend and she liked you so I thought payback"

Heesung rubbed his temple and said," If this gets out to anyone your dead meat newbie." and the he walts off. GREAT JUST FUCKING GREAT COULD THINGS GET WORSE?


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