Dying Orphan Children? Oh No! I'll Hand Those Over Right Away!

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Slick to Sticky TF/TG/MC

(Here s the inspiration for this chapter!)

(Here s the inspiration for this chapter!)

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In the Animatic Battle world

Animatic was just...simply around, with his usual creepy smile. Then he heard a conversation going on nearby. So he walked over to see that Bouquet and Bowling Ball retelling their adventure to Golden Apple, TOMATER, and Bob Omb.

By listening to their story, Animatic found out that a male human had tried to basically sexually assault an object, aka Bouquet.

Hearing this, Animatic decided to give him a rightful punishment. He then went into the human world, and walked off to Slick's location.


Some government agents were questionioning Slick on what happened in that fateful night.

"Well, some bowling ball attacked me while I was having some fun with Bouquet, who's my girl! (Nuh-uh!)" Slick claimed in his perspective.

"...a what? S-Sir, you're trying to tell us that a LIVING bowling ball attacked you while you were having fun with a pile of flowers?" One of the agents questioned.

"...um...yeah?" Slick responded.

"....sir, I think we might have to bring you with us." One of the other government agents replied.

"No no wait!" Slick tried to protest.

"Nope! He's coming with ME!" Animatic happily exclaimed.

Then, without warning, he grabbed one of the government agents and slammed them down repeatedly until their head was just mush.

One of the other government agents pulled out a gun and tried to shoot while yelling "SHOOOOT HEEEER!(/ref)" but Animatic simply smacked the gun away and mutilated the rest of the government agents.

Then Animatic grabbed Slick by the arm and then POP! they were both gone.

Slick found himself in a strange background- wait...he recognized this background...the flag grass, the red bushes, everything! He was in the REAL Animatic Battle world.

Slick looked around and saw Bouquet and...Bowling Ball...Slick tried to walk over and have a rematch with Bowling Ball, but Animatic grabbed his arm and then bit into it.

Slick screeched out in pain as his fate would be sealed. His looked down to see his arms turning skinnier and skinnier until they were as thin as sticks.

His stick arms would turn pitch black as his legs would suffer the same fate. His body would then painfully shift shape while tearing through his clothes.

His body would look like a pile of orange sticky notes, with a familiar hair-like style and freckles. He then realized he was turning into Sticky, a character he hated the MOST.

His eyes would then sting. He shut his eyes and opened them back as his eyes were now small, black, and beady. His mouth would then simplify into a lin as he felt a jolt to his manhood.

He felt his manhood shrivel up into nothingness as he whimpered while his voice changes into Sticky's voice. Even though he was genderless, he felt like a SHE.

"Wh-What the?! Why did I turn into Sticky?!" Slick managed to scream out.

Animatic didn't respond however, and just simply ran off to find more human victims. Slick got up and tried to walk away but he felt a headache form hell.

"AAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" Slick screamed out as the mental changes were starting.

Stick was losing her memories at a rapid pace. She already forgot most of her childhood and would slowly remember that she was competing in Animatic Battle, on a team called Happy Meatbill. She also remembered giving away some of her sticky notes to Squirt Gun and flas'j-h light.

Now Slick was officially dead, and Sticky stood in his place.

"Ugh...huh? What...happened?" Sticky questioned before walking off to find her team.


Next chapter, it won't be a TF chapter, but it will have Notepad/Noelle in it. ;)

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