94~ Crossed cruelty

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Yana's POV

[Next Day]

I moved my numb finger, searching for something—or better to say, someone—whom I shouldn't recall, not after ending everything between us.

I abruptly sat up in bed with a painful headache and held my head in my hands, feeling like it would rip apart.

The last memories of us together began flooding my senses, worsening the pain, and I gripped my hair tightly to stop my head from bursting open.

"Ma'am..." I heard the voice and lifted my eyes to see my mother's maid staring at me with concern.

I realized I was back in Mumbai and remembered that I had consumed a large amount of sleeping pills before drifting into sleep.

How stupid could I be to do that? Why am I getting so selfish? What if something had happened to me? Who would have looked after my sons?

"How many days have passed?" I asked.

"Only one," she immediately answered.

"Who brought me here?" I asked, and as expected, she replied, "Kaustubh Baba's friend, Mr. Rajdhan."

I sighed and gulped the glass of water from the bedside table, drenching my parched throat.

"Ma'am, wear that saree and come downstairs. Everyone is waiting for you to complete the last ritual."

She informed me and immediately walked out while I glanced at the clothes on the tea table, my brows furrowing.

I remembered she was wearing white clothes too, and my heart thumped loudly in my chest.

Why would she wear white? Whose last ritual was she talking about?

My breath caught in my lungs, but I didn't waste a single second. I got out of bed, feeling the heaviness of my body.

I immediately took the bath, ignoring the nail marks on my thighs and the signs of his teeth all over my breasts and nipples.

"Thank you."

Tears spilled from my eyes as his voice resonated in my ears. How easy it was for him to thank me.

For what?

Maybe he acknowledged my efforts to crush my self-esteem with my own hands under the weight of my blind love.

"A slut like you doesn’t deserve him, Yana... you never did," my inner voice told me, and I just nodded, agreeing with whatever it said.

Shaking his thoughts out of my head, I dusted off his memories. After getting ready in that plain white saree with a thin-strapped blouse, I moved out of the room.

I walked through the corridor and caught a glimpse of the people gathered downstairs. It didn't take long for me to realize that some tragedy had occurred.

I descended the stairs, and the peaceful atmosphere broke with the sound of my footsteps.

All heads turned towards me, and I froze in place after seeing the large photo frame adorned with a marigold garland.

"Mumma... Mamu..." I heard my son's voice as he clung to my leg. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I slumped to my knees, clutching him tightly to my chest.

How could he just...? I don't know how I should feel. My heart felt too heavy to process the loss of my brother.

I hated him for the business he was involved in, but I equally loved him for always being there for me.

Grave (Ashes sequel) #2|18+  (LL Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now