your child is scared on the first day of school

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"Here we are." You said as you watched your daughter look all over with big eyes. "Your first day of school!"

"Are you excited, Emma?" Chan asked but her small hand just gripped his a little tighter as the three of you stepped closer and closer to the classroom door.

It was open and you could hear the sound of laughter and excited screams as the other kids her age ran around inside.

For the last few days, it seemed that your daughter was pretty excited about starting kindergarten.

But now, as you stand outside the classroom, she looks a little scared.

"You're going to have fun!" Chan grinned.

But as she looked between the two of you, her eyes told you that she was dreading going in there.

"There she is," Emma's teacher said as she stood in the doorway of the classroom. "Ready to come in and join the party?"

"Go on, honey. It's okay." You encouragingly spoke.

She looked at her teacher and then let go of your hand as well as Chan's and, with that, you thought she'd be going into the classroom.

But instead, she ran behind Chan and hugged his legs tightly.

It broke your heart to see her this way.

You know how important it is for her to go to school but seeing her so scared is starting to make you feel anxious and Chan quickly noticed that by the look in your eyes.

He turned around and knelt on the floor in front of Emma who looked at him with wide eyes.

He still remembers the day you first brought him around and introduced him to your daughter but he was so unaware of how his life would change and how the two of you would become his entire world.

You both fill his heart with love like he's never felt before and have made him happier than he ever imagined he could be.

There's nothing in this world he wouldn't do for the two of you, especially your daughter, who has him wrapped around her finger and has from the very first day.

It's been almost two years since then and he adores Emma like she's his own.

Seeing her so scared is shattering his heart too but he's trying to keep strong for the both of you because he knows this is an important milestone and something she just has to do.

"What's the matter? Are you feeling a little scared?" He asked and his voice was so soft, just like his eyes as he looked at your little girl.

She nodded her head and looked at him.

"That's alright, it's normal. Everybody gets scared on their first day of school. But you're going to have so much fun."


"Absolutely! You're going to make a lot of friends and learn so many new cool things. It's going to be a blast. I bet by the time you come home, you'll have so much fun you won't be able to stop talking about it for hours!"

She started to look less scared as a smile appeared on her face and Chan's heart melted over the little holes in her smile, just like always.

"We'll be right here when the day is over. You can tell us about everything that you learned and how much fun you had. I bet when you walk inside, the other kids are going to run to you and want to be your friend."

She smiled brighter and looked so excited about going in now.

"If you need anything, you know we'll be here in a heartbeat. But I can promise you that you're going to have a lot of fun. Okay?"

"Okay." She smiled before hugging him tightly.

You knelt on the floor and she gave you a big hug too as tears started to fill your eyes.

"Are you ready now?" The teacher asked and before you or Chan could say or do anything, Emma pulled away from you and ran into the classroom.

"I guess that's a yes." Chan laughed happily.

"We'll see you both later." The teacher chuckled before going into the classroom and closing the door behind her.

You stepped closer and looked through the window as Emma was immediately welcomed by the other kids, just as Chan promised her she would be.

"She's growing up." You sighed. "Where did the time go?"

Chan came up behind you and kissed your cheek softly.

"It flies by. I swear, just yesterday she was a tiny baby. Next thing you know, she'll be graduating high school."

He laughed softly and rubbed your back.

"There's still a long time before that day arrives. You're an amazing mom, Y/N. She's going to do so well here." He said and you nodded before taking a deep breath. "And her going to school means we have a little time to ourselves now. How about we go out for breakfast?"

"Okay." You said as you turned around, giving him a loving kiss. "Thank you, baby. You're an amazing father."

His smile was so big and bright as you told him that because he loves being her dad more than anything in the world.

"Thank you." He said before kissing your cheek. "Come on, let's go get some breakfast, darling. The time is going to fly by before it's time to pick her up. It'll be here before you know it, I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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