Keira Hill: Portrayed by Icy Wicy
"I don't know what we are doing, we're just young and dumb nelson.."
"I thought that I was dreamin' when you said you love me"
-Frank Ocean (Ivy)
15 || pisces || March 09 || Keke//Kiki
@KeiraHill(Main) || @kikidoyouloveme(Spam)
Nelson Neumann: Portrayed by himself
"This is an interesting relationship you and I have..."
"I'm selfish, I want you all to myself, I swear You don't need nobody else, I swear I want you all to myself, because I'm selfish yeah."
-PnB Rock(Selfish)
15 || sagittarius || December 18 || Nels
@Nelsonneumann2028(main)|| @Nelstheprodigy(spam)
Aaliyah Miles: Portrayed By Seraphsworld
"girl..can you not see the chemistry between you two??"
"Birds of a feather, we should stick together, i know i said i'd never think I wasn't better alone"
-Billie Eilish(BIRDS OF A FEATHER)
15 || Scorpio || November 03 || Liyah
@Xo.Aaliyahmiles.Xo(main) || Aaliyahluvsdreadheads(spam)
(All other RWE players as theirselves)
Rodwavelover911: Cam wilder
Mrsobouncy: Romelo Hill
thebestneumann: Niles neumann
ladysmannoah: Noah Neumann
thebetterlookingbrother: Isaac Elis
theBESTESTlookingbrother: Eli Elis
jjshmunyhoopsonyou: giannis
More Than Friends..
Romance"And what the hell were we? tell me we weren't just friends..this doesn't make much sense, no."