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One word to describe your life

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One word to describe your life..?


It's the same routine over and over again. Wake up, get ready for work, eat, shower, sleep, and repeat. You had been doing this routine ever since you graduated college, you were now 24 years old in a cheap apartment complex that you had moved into ever since you finished high school. All you wanted to do was to disappear into your covers and watch your favorite show JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

If you could wish upon a star, you'd wish to be in JoJo's

You were doing the same routine again, today was Friday, you had just gotten home from work and were already exhausted, all you wanted to do was go to bed but you had to eat and shower before doing that, as you went towards your kitchen you heard the fridge door open, then closing. Then hearing a glass cup being placed on the counter before a liquid was being poured into it, your eyes widen as you reached for your lipstick taser you had bought from Amazon, as you walked; weary of every step you took towards your kitchen, pulling out your phone and heading to the camera to check if you can see the person without them seeing you saw an extremely tall person like if they were able to try and touch the roof they would touch it with ease.

You pulled back your phone as you tried to understand why there was a person in your home, as you checked the area again, your camera screen was all black now? you were so confused as to why it was all black before feeling a dark presence and shadow looming over you, you slowly look up at the intruder before pulling your taser and tasing the intruder.

The person stepped back as you took your phone that had fallen and tried calling 911 but as you were about to press the last number, a big pitch black hand that faded to grey hand grabbed your phone before turning it off, then grabbed your wrist to make you stand back up but you kept kicking and screaming to get person's hand off you, that is before your screams were cut off by another hand closes your mouth, feeling heat against your ears as you felt goosebumps all around your body before hearing a deep but oddly soothing voice speak into your ear...

"Please stop screaming..and I'll let you go."

The voice oddly calmed you down as they slowly removed their hands off you.."Sorry about that...". As you turned around you were only met with a grey fit torso making you slowly look up to see the figure's face, well half of it, the hand long pitch black hair with strange styled bangs that covered their eyes completely, and had multiple piercings on their face, while they looked down at you with a grin. "Im Z10n¿§, but call me Z for short... you might be wondering what I'm doing in your apartment..." he scratched the back of his head awkwardly as you stares at him with your jaw on the floor, before letting out the next words:

"WHAT? WHO THE FUCK— wait...your kinda.."

     "Z10n¿§" or "Z" looked at you with a 'are you serious right now?' face, as you looked at him, he raised his left hand before snapping his fingers, your eyes widen as you see a puff of smoke pop up, you tried to see what was going on, while coughing here and there from the inhalation. Z's figure appeared from the smoke but he got shorter, probably standing at 7 foot now..his hair was tied up but his bangs still hid his eyes, his skin had turned from grey to a darkish tan, and instead of being shirtless with baggy black pants, he wore this:

his hair was tied up but his bangs still hid his eyes, his skin had turned from grey to a darkish tan, and instead of being shirtless with baggy black pants, he wore this:

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(credits to the owner of this image)

      "Okay so im gonna start this off strong.."

     He said as he dusted off his top, he walked towards you, making you tilt your head with his finger before saying this.

"It's time to make your wish come true, Dulce mío~.

       You were about to speak before you were blinded by a bright light, as you uncovered your eyes from the brightness, you were carried bridal style by "Z" as you guys floated towards the green field...

You were thinking 'what the actual FUCK IS GOING ON?!!'

     The both of you landed already as you clung onto Z's fit body, "o-okay what the actual FUCK is going on..where did you take me, why are we here, what do you mean, make my wish come tru—" you were cut off by him shushing you, before he placed you down onto the greenery around you, with an oddly familiar building not to far away from you, it was strangely familiar to you but couldn't put your finger on it... you saw Z walk backwards before bowing down towards you;

"Welcome to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Phantom Blood!"

      He said with jazz hands as your eyes widen now remembering where you were... you were in front of the Joestar manor...

 you were in front of the Joestar manor

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858 words

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