IV: D u e l

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Sebastian wakes up on Tuesday in a bad mood.

Only a week into the new school year and he's already regretting the choice to overload his class schedule with extracurriculars, bringing the total to fourteen. Combined with his late-night research in the restricted section on possible cures for Anne, Sebastian is lucky if he sleeps for more than a few hours if he sleeps at all.

The previous evening was supposed to be spent in the library, but instead, he stays up writing forty inches on ancient runes, cursing under his breath at the absurdity of a professor assigning such a task the first week of school. He falls asleep before he can finish, slumped over his dormitory desk, quill in hand. When Ominis wakes him up the following morning, Sebastian's neck is stiff, fingers stained with ink, and stomach rumbling. The clock in their shared room shows breakfast isn't possible, not if he wants to be late for Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Why didn't you wake me sooner?" he grumbles, shedding the clothes he fell asleep in for a clean set as he weighs the pros and cons of skipping class in favor of leftover toast.

"I did," Ominis counters, flicking his wand to remove the wrinkles from Sebastian's uniform. "You told me to quote, eat runes and die." He turns to leave. "At least, that is what I think you said—your sleep-deprived Gaelic needs some work."

Sebastian rolls his eyes, securing the knot of his Slytherin-green tie as he follows after Ominis, the two walking in amiable silence from the dungeons to the western tower. His eyes are still heavy as he thinks about the day ahead, thankful there are only two classes to suffer through, with the rest of the afternoon and evening to do as he pleases. While sleep is preferable—and desperately needed—he still has several other assignments to work on, readings to complete, and projects to get a head-start on. Not to mention wanting to follow up on a promising lead for Anne, discovered while researching abnormal curses. There simply isn't enough time in the day.

He sighs, I'll sleep when I'm dead.

"Merlin's sagging arse, Sallow. You look terrible."

Sebastian clenches his jaw in annoyance as Leander greets him outside the D.A.D.A. classroom. "Prewett."

The Gryffindor certainly became bolder over the summer, likely due to the growth spurt that finally brought him to the same height as the other fifth-year boys. Sebastian doesn't want to think Leander's newfound confidence has anything to do with Miss Morrison—how the gangly redhead managed to woo her is anyone's guess.

The statues framing the doorway blink as the two exchange similar scowls, only moving when Ominis sighs in the threatening way only he can achieve. Leander doesn't let up, however, taking advantage of the fact Professor Hecat hasn't arrived yet.

"Rough night?" he prods. "We missed you at Crossed Wands. Does that mean you're too busy to defend your title?"

"Like hell!" Sebastian exclaims, catching the way Leander's eyes widen in alarm, but it's too late for Prewett to back down now. The reminder of what else he's missing out on only adds to his stress. Sebastian rolls up his sleeves and brandishes his wand. "No time like the present."

"Sebastian," Ominis warns. "No."

Sebastian laughs, "yes."

Leander falters, stumbling as he barely deflects Sebastian's first cast. "No fair, Sallow!" he complains, the two moving into taunting stances on opposite sides of the classroom. "I wasn't ready!"

"You should know by now that I don't play fair," Sebastian counters with a sarcastic chuckle. "Stupify!"

The impromptu duel excites the rest of the class as they arrive, quickly gathering to watch as he and Leander exchange a flurry of spells. It's frustrating how good Prewett is—he wouldn't be a member of Crossed Wands otherwise—but Sebastian knows he is better—the best.

The Call of the Void (Sebastian Sallow x F!MC)Where stories live. Discover now