On the road

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(AI generated image but it's closest to my vision) I stood at the edge of Windrip, my bag packed with supplies and my heart brimming with excitement and determination. Today marked the beginning of my quest to find the ancient treasure, the Nexis, and to uncover the truth about my history . I tied my hair into a tight ponytail to keep it out of my face.

The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a golden hue over the tranquil village. I felt a pang of sadness leaving behind everything I knew and grew up with, but the excitement of the unknown quickly overshadowed it. The world was vast, and there were so many adventures waiting for me. Places to explore, people to meet, and so much fun stuff to do.

My first stop was the orphanage where Nova lived. The old building looked as weary as ever, but I knew Nova would be ready and waiting. I pushed open the creaky gate and headed inside.

"Alissa! Over here!" Nova's voice called out from the side of the building. She was already packed and ready, now fourteen she was growing into her more feminine features, her fiery auburn hair glowing in the morning light and her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"You're late," she teased, hands on her hips.

"Good morning to you too, Nova. Ready to go?" I replied, rolling my eyes.

Nova grinned, but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes as she glanced back at the orphanage she sat on her bed and put her hands in her lap. "Yeah, I'm ready. But I'll miss this place. As broken down as it is I just have so many memories here."

I put a hand on her shoulder. "I know, Nova. But we're going to make new memories and find amazing places. And who knows? Maybe one day, we'll come back and visit."

She nodded, her determination returning. "You're right. Let's get going."

Trouble in the Woods

We set off down the path, the village gradually disappearing behind us. As we walked, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched. I glanced at Nova, who seemed unfazed, her focus entirely on the path ahead. So I'm just going crazy, I thought.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, we reached the outskirts of the Whispering Woods, a dense forest known for its eerie silence and ancient secrets. The air grew cooler, and the sunlight filtered through the thick canopy above, creating a dappled pattern on the forest floor.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" I asked, looking around at the unfamiliar surroundings.

"Positive," Nova replied confidently. "The map says Cavernshade is just beyond this forest. We should be there by nightfall if we keep up the pace." "Yay, more weird, damp forest" I say sarcastically.

We pressed on, the forest growing darker and more mysterious with each step. Suddenly, a rustling sound came from the bushes nearby. My hands glowed instinctively, ready to form a light net for protection. Nova held up a hand, signaling for me to wait.

"Probably just an animal," she whispered, but I wasn't convinced.

We continued walking, but the feeling of being watched only intensified. Before long, three figures stepped out from behind the trees, blocking our path. They were rough-looking, with dirty clothes and menacing grins.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" the tallest one sneered. "Two little girls out on their own. Hand over your valuables, and we might let you go."

Nova stepped forward, her eyes blazing. "We're not handing over anything. Get out of our way."

The tallest one laughed. "Feisty, aren't you? I like that. Boys, teach them a lesson."

The two thugs flanking him moved forward, brandishing crude weapons. One had a rusty knife, the other a wooden club. I reacted quickly, my hands glowing brighter as I created a light net, flinging it at the nearest thug. He stumbled back, entangled in the glowing strands.

Nova, quick as a flash, conjured a small flame in her palm, holding it threateningly. "Back off, or you'll get burned."

The thug with the club swung at me, but I ducked, my light forming a barrier that deflected his blow. With a swift motion, I expanded the barrier, knocking him off his feet.

"Alissa, watch out!" Nova shouted. The leader of the group had pulled out a knife and was lunging at me. I spun around, creating a ribbon of light that wrapped around his wrist, yanking the knife from his grasp.

Enraged, the leader kicked at me, but I sidestepped and used my light ribbon to trip him, sending him crashing to the ground. The thug with the rusty knife, seeing his leader fall, hesitated, then turned and fled.

The thug entangled in the light net sat up weirdly calm, Nova stepped forward, her flame glowing hotter. " Is that supposed to scare me, you don't know what you just started little girl."

I focused close on his sleeve and noticed a symbol and my eyes widened ,He grinned at my understanding and raised his hand and us and my light net were engulfed in black wisp like smoke . "You have some strong abilities for girls so young."

Nova and I exchanged worried glances I couldn't see more than two feet in front of me.

I saw something yank Nova back and heard her scream. "I'm sure you'll run a pretty penny at the docks." I ran forward to help her, but before I could try anything I saw a giant flame burst from the smoke and heard what sounded like cursing. "we'll meet again brats" and the smoke cleared and I saw Nova rubbing a growing red bruise on her arm.

Arrival in Cavernshade

By nightfall, shaken and a little more cautious then before we finally emerged from the dense woods and found ourselves standing before the bustling town of Cavernshade. The town was alive with activity, and the air was filled with the scent of food and the sound of merchants hawking their wares.

"We made it," Nova said, her voice filled with excitement. "Now we just need to find transport."

"And food, I whined, my stomach growling in agreement. The journey was truly beginning. Together, we stepped into the town, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

We wandered through the crowded streets, and I took in the scenery wearied, gray stone paved the streets and the city was bursting with color ,green wall, red and blue roofs walls lined with many murals of ,flowers, the ocean and even, the sky. I immediately assumed this was a town that prided it's self on culture, art, and color. There were ships docked at the port, and a bustling train station at the edge of town so Nova was right about transportation.

"This looks like a good meal spot" Nova said, her reddish brown hair blowing in the wind.

I looked at the extravagant light fixtures and beautiful elaborate black windows on the large restaurant "And how will we pay for food here?"

Nova eyes sparkled, "who said anything about paying for food?"

(please comment anyone I would love tips and feedback on how to make the story better)

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