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It's a peaceful night in the hollyberry kingdom shocking honestly everyone seemed to be asleep in the kingdom accept knight he was thinking about his dragon girlfriend/boyfriend since they lived in dragons valley mostly and even when they did come they usually just wanted to do the 𝒩𝒶𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓎 with him which was okay since they both enjoyed it he just wished they stayed longer enough for them to do other things he seemed to be completely lost in his thoughts about them I mean Pitaya dragon was a pretty beautiful dragon there long lovely white hair and there eyes and horns just thinking about them made him blush then he heard a knock at his window thought he was Imagining it up until Pitaya dragon just busted in thru his window

"You know how long I wasss waiting out there?! Why are you jussst laying on your bed day dreaming!" They were clearly mad at him for no noticing them sooner they claimed down tho and sat on his bed
"I can't sssleep right now! I think I wanna spend the night here!" They yelled excitedly knight sat up to look at them

"Are you being serious Pitaya? Your actually gonna sleep here?!" Knight was just as excited as them Pitaya dragon smiled as they were taking off there armor
"Well yesss of courssse duh! Now move over!"
Knight quickly moved over so they could get in the bed as soon as Pitaya dragon got in the bed they bought knight closer to them cuddling with them knight was visibly blushing
"So uhm..what made you wanna sleep here?"
The question made Pitaya dragon become flustered

"Well honessstly I jussst misss you itsss so boring without you sometimesss I enjoy ssspending time with you and fighting with you honessstly I jussst wanna hold you right now.."
They squeezed him tightly
"You know the reason I was day dreaming was because I was thinking about pretty you are and how much I wish we could do more things together." He smiled as he said those words

"do more like what? Sssex? Do you wanna do it now?" Pitaya stared at him and started removing there jumpsuit but knight stopped them before they finished
"No No! I mean like going on dates more often and walking about the square!" Pitaya seemed confused by that
"Why would you wanna walk around the sssquare and how do you even go thisss date? Isss it a place?" Knight chuckled a bit which seemed to upset Pitaya dragon knight noticed this and stopped
"A date is where we hang out and go to places together you know as a couple and do couple things! And a walk around the square would be nice I could buy you stuff!" Pitaya smiled they did love it when they got stuff and this date thing seemed interesting to them
"Okay a date it isss and we ssshall take that walk around the sssquare ssso long as you buy me anything I want!" They exclaimed loudly

"Okay then I will as long as it's not too much!" Knight laughed nervously Pitaya dragon was one to want a lot of things "So have you thought about marriage?" Pitaya dragon looked at him confused they heard of marriage but haven't thought it about that often
"Marriage isssn't that where we ssstart to have kidsss or sssomething?.." Pitaya asked confused knight started blushing at the thought of having kids
"Well marriage is a bond shared between to people kinda who wanna be together forever sometimes some marriages work out some don't!" Knight said nervously and stared back up Pitaya who still looked dumb founded

"Ssso you wanna have a life long bond with me like a contract basssically?? Well if itsss with you then I don't see why not...I mean maybe itsss time for that life long bond thing we've been a thing secretly for monthsss." Knight seemed confused now he knew they hadn't told anyone but Pitaya said they might tell lotus dragon
"You didn't tell lotus then..?" Pitaya laughed a bit
"Hell no! I tell one dragon another dragon might know or maybe they will tell one of there servantsss then it ssspreads like a wildfire! Not ready to deal with longansss wrath right now!"
Pitaya dragon said seriously they really didn't want anyone know about them they seemed too scared of the out come from it
"Well I guess that makes sense maybe it's best we keep our relationship secret for a little bit longer!"
"How about forever ssseems like a good idea to me!" Pitaya laughed but then stopped and yawned
"Anywaysss I'm getting sssleepy and.." They looked up at the sky for a view seconds "itsss 1:30am right now I've been up long enough!" They started falling asleep knight seemed impressed by how the dragon could tell time from looking up at the sky he was also tired he actually fell asleep before Pitaya
"Hey knight ssso isss the date thing tomorrow or-" Pitaya looked over and saw he was sleeping and kissed his forehead and fell asleep as well

The night was a bit crazy tho knight had to keep waking up or else Pitaya dragons leg or arm was gonna stop him from breathing Pitaya dragon moved around a lot in there sleep which was annoying but knight loved them so he just dealt with it the whole entire NIGHT all Pitaya dragon did was move every second there body moved poor knight was struggling to sleep at one point he just decided to stay up cause seems it was gonna be impossible and Pitaya was obviously a loud snorer hollyberry even woke up and thought there was a chainsaw being used in here but it just Pitaya loud snoring most people in the castle didn't even get sleep especially knight he was just hoping he wouldn't too tired for there date.

Story length-994 words

This is my first time writing by myself hope it's enjoyable Pitaya dragon x Knight is me my besties favorite so I wrote about it for him! <3

This is my first time writing by myself hope it's enjoyable Pitaya dragon x Knight is me my besties favorite so I wrote about it for him! <3

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