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The silence embrace them as they pull away from their innocent kiss. No one said anything just riding the horse slowly enjoying the weather.

"Alpha" jungkook broke the silence to which taehyung only hmmed.

"Why you don't want me to encounter vante?" Jungkook put the question which was running in his head since last night.

"Luna, everything have a reason will tell you in future" saying so taehyung close vante's topic.

Jungkook just signed which alpha notice but didn't said anything.

"Alpha-" the Luna was cut off by an arrow but the alpha was quick enough to save him .

"Vampire" the emperor whisper but loud enough for jungkook to hear.

And soon a dozen of blood sucking creatures circle around them.

Altering the alpha and the Luna, those vampires attack them but the couple were quick enough to grab their swords.

Jumping down from the horse the fight broke between the werewolves couple and vampires.

The once calm atmosphere was changed into screaming and the green Grass was covered in blood.

The Luna and alpha fought with their whole will slicing off the heads from vampires' bodies.

Taehyung looked at his Luna stood tall, his sword shining like a beacon in the orange sun . Infront of him a dozen burly vampires.

The leader judging by his outfit, charged forward, his sword raised high. Jungkook drew a deep breath, his gaze flashing with determination. With a swift, graceful motion, he unsheathed his sword and met the vampire's attack.

The clash of steel on steel echoed through the ground, the sound of ringing blades and grunts of effort filling the air. Jungkook danced and spun, his sword slicing through the air with deadly precision, striking down his foes one by one.

But the blood sucks were relentless, their numbers and strength pressing his hard. Jungkook's breathing quickened, his muscles burning with fatigue, yet he refused to yield. With a fierce cry, he launched himself at the remaining attackers, his sword flashing in the orange light.

The alpha was stunned watching his omega fighting like a beta despite being a male omega.

With a smirk he charged towards the remaining targets.

his sword flashing in the sunlight. The battlefield was ablaze with chaos, he clashing with the dark sorcerer's minions. The alpha's eyes blazed with fury as his sword slicing through armor and flesh with deadly precision.

Another vampire more stronger then others the sorcerer's champion, emerged from the brushes, his black sword crackling with dark energy. Alpha roared with challenge, his sword meeting the vampire's in a flurry of strikes. The two exchanged blows, their swords ringing out as they battled across the blood-soaked terrain.

Taehyung's skills were unmatched, his sword dancing in perfect harmony as he fought to protect his Luna. He wielded his sword with precision and power, using every ounce of strength and strategy to hold off the dark vampire's attack.

In a final, decisive blow, taehyung struck down the vampire shattering his sword and banishing the dark energy. The emperor stood victorious, his sword still trembling with the force of his final blow.

After what feels like years taehyung run towards jungkook. Cupping his face making sure the younger wasn't hurt.

"Are you alright?" Taehyung asked in a worried tone.

"I am fine alpha" jungkook assured with a beautiful smile.

Taehyung smiled back kissing the Omega's forehead and hide him in his chest.

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