16. Betrothal

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I had made it clear to Liu Ding Feng that our marriage would be one of convenience, not affection. Despite this, Ding Feng was resolute in moving forward with our engagement in a grandiose manner. One evening, he arrived at my residence, accompanied by a milieu of betrothal gifts. The sudden development caught my parents off guard.

My mother opened the door and gasped at the sight of Liu Ding Feng standing on their doorstep, flanked by an entourage carrying elaborate gift boxes. "What is all this?" she exclaimed.

Ding Feng offered a polite bow. "Good evening, Mrs. Zhou. I am here to formally propose to your daughter, Zhou Rou Rou."

Mom's eyes widened in shock. "Propose? But... this is so sudden."

My father, hearing the commotion, joined his wife at the door. He looked at Ding Feng and then at the array of gifts. "May we come in?" Ding Feng asked with a courteous smile.

Once inside, the Zhou family gathered in the living room, a sense of tension hanging in the air. 

Father's expression was serious as he addressed Ding Feng. "This is quite unexpected, Mr. Liu. We would like to know more about you and your family before we can consider this proposal. It is highly inappropriate for you to propose without a senior from your family present."

Ding Feng nodded, maintaining his composed demeanor. "Of course. My parents passed away some years ago. The only living family member I have is my grandfather, who is currently hospitalized. I rely on your grace to forgive my disadvantage."

Father's face softened with sympathy, but there was still apprehension in his eyes. "And how did you and Rou Rou meet?"

I, sensing the need to intervene, spoke up. "Ding Feng is my boss at LYV Pharma. We've been working closely together on several projects. That's how we got to know each other."

Father frowned slightly. "And now you wish to marry her?"

Ding Feng nodded again, his eyes earnest. "Yes, sir. I have deep respect for Rou Rou and believe we can build a strong partnership."

My parents exchanged worried glances. Mother turned to me. "Rou Rou, are you sure about this?"

I met my mother's gaze, my voice steady. "Yes, Mother. I believe this is the right step for both of us."

Despite their reservations, my parents reluctantly agreed to the proposal. They were comforted by the fact that Ding Feng appeared respectful and sincere, and I seemed confident in my decision.

As the evening progressed, the families engaged in polite conversation, the betrothal gifts a constant reminder of the significant change about to take place. Ding Feng and I maintained the appearance of a traditional engagement, hiding the pragmatic nature of our union from the family.

Later that night, after Ding Feng and his entourage had left, mother approached me. "Rou Rou, I still don't understand why you're rushing into this. Are you truly happy with this decision?"

I took a deep breath. "Mother, I've thought long and hard about this. Ding Feng and I have a mutual understanding. We'll support each other in our personal and professional lives. It may not be a conventional love story, but it's a partnership that makes sense for us."

Mother sighed, worry etched on her face. "I just want you to be happy, my dear."

"I know, Mother. And I believe this is the best path for now," I reassured her, though a part of me wondered if I was convincing myself as much as my mother.

As the engagement preparations continued, Ding Feng and I worked to present a united front. We navigated the expectations of family and society, our shared goal of advancing our careers and achieving our ambitions driving them forward.

Yet, amidst the planning and the facade of normalcy, I couldn't shake the feeling that the shadows of the past and the secrets they carried were never far behind. The path we had chosen was fraught with uncertainty, but I resolved to face whatever challenges came our way, determined to make the best of the life I had chosen to live.

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