Chapter nineteen

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The next morning I woke up to Trisha Masi screeching loudly. Ragini and I jolted up and sat on the bed. It felt impossible for me to open my eyes as I had this throbbing headache for god knows why, my silky smooth black hair was not so smooth at the moment and I am sure it looked like a bird's nest.

"Girls!!" Again came the annoying dreadful voice bad enough to increase my headache.

"Why the hell is that woman screaming like that?" Ragini groaned frustratedly still half asleep. I could barely see her as my eyes hardly opened.

"Open the door!" Masi banged the door hard making me flinch at the rumbling clatter. Not having any options I reluctantly got out of bed, rubbed my eyes to get a clear vision, and slowly made my way towards the door. All this while Trisha Masi was constantly knocking or should I say smacking the goddamn door.

Oh wait she'd been doing this for the past fifteen minutes she won't stop now!

I gritted my teeth and opened the door. Without giving a single glance to the person I went to the comfortable soft bed and crashed there, again.

"Who died!?" Ragini howled sarcastically. She sounded pissed as hell.

"Oh nobody has died yet Ragini but you will if you girls don't get down in ten freaking minutes!" Masi retorted furiously.

I was lying on my stomach on the bed with my face buried in the tender soft pillow. I ignored her idioms.

What is she trying to do? Create more drama!? Well darn it because I don't give a damn.

I don't know why but at the moment all I could care about was going back to slumber. Usually, I never felt this sort of urge to hibernate or be lazy but today was an exception. I guess it's that time of the month again. Probably gonna get my period soon.

That explains my mood swings, this headache, and the hideous pimple that had found its place on my face. I hate it! I absolutely hate periods. The stomach cramps are unbearable and I am almost in a bad mood all the time.

But wait I just got my period a week ago! What's wrong with my body then?

"Oh please! Let us sleep we are tired!" Ragini whined like a teenager before I could think anymore.

"Young ladies do you have any idea what time is it!?" Masi yelled switching off the AC. Suddenly someone opened the windows and the balcony door and bright sunlight hit me straight in the face.

It wasn't your gentle and soothing sun rays of the early morning it was scorching heat.

Wait! Scorching heat!? Oh my god, what time is it?

I jolted awake and stood up.

"What time is it?" I asked Masi who pushed her phone towards my face.

Oh god! Nine twenty-five...

How could I sleep till this late?

"Good morning your highness! Would you like some tea or coffee or perhaps breakfast in your bed?" Masi mocked me and I lowered my head.

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