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In the lands of Greece and Macedonia there were 13 royal families. They each divided the  lands into kingdoms where they  ruled.

The families were The Chases,The Jacksons, The Di-Angelos , The Graces,The Mcleans ,The Stolls,The Valdez's, The Castellan's ,The Gardner's and The Levesques,The Zhangs and The La Rue's and the Rodriguez's.

Those were the happy days when all the families got along. The had no enmity or rivalry witheach other. Until the day Athena's  grand father Columbus Alfred Sintheus Chase lost his imperial gold dagger a priceless heirloom passed upon the family from generations. He accused his companion and Posedion's grand father Corneilius Severa Magnum Jackson for stealing it and thus that was when the feud started. The families were to choose sides. Either to join the Chases or the Jacksons. It was hard decision for all were friends. 

The Jacksons got the support of Zeinus George Robert Grace or more commonly known  the graces. The Jacksons later consisted of the grace family,the di-angelos,the Rodriguez,the Levesque,the Stolls.

The  Chases had the gardners,McLean's , Valdez's ,Zhangs,La Rue, and The Castellens .

The were families who remained neutral and those were the The Dionysus and the Moonlace family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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