Chapter 1

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(Begins at the end of chapter 2 of the game itself)

I grumble softly and yawn, I begin to stretch. I open my eyes, expecting to see a messy bedroom and baige walls. However, when I woke up, I was on what looked to be a lift of sorts. I slowly look around in confusion.

"Hey, you're up." I heard a woman's voice say, I jump, and look up. "Hey, you're okay... they won't hurt you anymore..." She said.

I look at her. "Uh... who?" I ask. She pauses, and stares for a minute, her eyes were so blue they were almost white, making her stare appear very creepy.

"You- don't remember the monsters?" She asked. I look up at her, even more confused, and I scoot back.

"Are you schizophrenic?" I ask. She pauses.

"-No..?" It could tell it was ment to be a statedmant, but her confusion made it sound like more of a question. I continue.

"Are you high?" I ask. She looks almost offended now... oops.

"God no!" She said. I raise a brow.

"Then what monster-"

"Shh-" She placed her hand over my mouth as the lift stopped. She looked out, and slowly removed her hand. She looked at me and whispered softly. "Come on..."

I slowly get up, and follow her. My eyes wander taking in my surroundings. The room we were in was green, and there was a big plastic tree. I hum and look to the woman she was looking for something on the wall.

"Are you sure you aren't high-"

A ding was heard and a new voice was heard. "Glad to see you made it, I don't know how you did it but then again you survived a guant elevsyor crash so I guess I shouldn't be surprised."

I raise a brow. "What the f-"

"I'm also glad to see your new companion is awake and okay. She didn't look so good when we spoke earlier."

I look around, then to the woman, then to the camera. "What the hell is-"

"Language." The woman said.

"I'm seventeen dammit-" I get cut off again.

"Well, that's- straying off cours- again I'm sorry for hitting you over the head. In fact it is for this reason that I believe we should npt meet face to face.

"You see, for whatever reason, I am prone to violent instincts, and I do not trust myself to give into them again. I have locked myself inside of a surveillance room. That way I can help you without being a danger to you both.

"We are currently on the lowest floor to remain active before everything went awry. There are many floors below us, but they've all remained closed and abandoned for quite some now. So just- make sure not to fall"

I look out to the abyss beyond the room. I move back a bit, as some intrusive thoughts enter my head. The guy continues speaking.

"As for your children, I don't know where they're being kept, but I know someone who does."

I look to the woman. 'She's a mother?'

"Head to the Aquatic sector, that's where he resides..."

I look up and raise a brow. "Do you not like him or somethin? Your tone-"

"Hey, that's none of your business, that's his business, let it rest." The woman said. I roll my eyes.

"Oh, forgive me for picking  up a tone change and worrying." I mumble. She ignored me, and looked at the sign. We were in the general sector, she stepped into the lift and looked up.

"Need a keycard, go look around for a minute..." She said. I raise a brow.

"You gonna help too, or you gonna make me do everything?" I say sarcastically. She glares.

"Just, do it." She said. I roll my eyes, and turn away. "Saw that."

"Wasn't tryna hide it." I snap back, as I begin looking. She uses her little drone to get it into a space neither of us could fit into, then she god it to break the glass. She looked at all the shards and moved some out of the way, then she hummed.

"Think you can crawl through here?" She asked. I look at her with shock.

"It's broken glass woman. No."

She sighes, and climbs over it. She enters the office area, and grabs a keycard. She climbs back over, and looks at me, she scoffs.

"Wasn't that hard, don't know why you had to be such a brat about it."

"Because much unlike you, I'm not a masochist, and I'm conserned for my own well-being." I say crossing my arms.

"Lose the attitude missy." She said.

I mumble under my breath. "I have a name... bitch..." I say that last bit so quietly she can't hear it.

She gets on the lift, and doesn't wait for me to get on I try and catch up but I fall as it starts moving across the chasm. I scream, as I begin falling, she reaches for me, but I'm too far down to reach.

After a minute of screaming and falling. I am caught by something, I don't even care to look at what it is, but I cling onto it for dear life, then it begins moving. I look to see a blue four-legged creature with a big mouth I suck in a big breath, and use up a lot of will power to prevent a scream.

Soon the creature brings me up to the floor I was on previously. It stops, and waits for me to let go. I hesitate, and instead choose to hug the creature before letting it go. The creature pauses, and blinks for a moment, before deciding to leave. I sigh, and try to slow my breathing and heart rate.

A door behind me opens, and I hear footsteps. "Hey, uh, are you okay miss?" I pause, and slowly nod. I slowly turn around and pause.

After a moment of silence I speak. "Are you- real? Or was I given some sort of hallucinogenic...?" I slowly ask. "Or am I dead and that blue thing never-"

"-No, ma'am, this is- very real... My question still stands, are you okay?" He asked. I think, and decide to pinch myself. I hum, pulling my hand away from my arm.

"Physically, yes. Mentally, questionable..." I say and look around again, then to him. "Where- am I...?"

He seemed to hesitate. "You're in an underground facility beneath a kindergarten."

I pause with a look of confusion and consern. "Under a kindergarten- okay- whatever, uh- what uh- who are you?" I ask. He pauses, and thinks for a minute.

"Uthman... Uthman Adam..." He said somewhat softly compared to his usual voice. I hum.

"Is it alright if I just.. call you Adam?" I ask. He pauses and slowly nods.

"Yes... that will be just fine..."


I decided to try writing for this fandom again, this'll either have slow updates, or I'll abandon it randomly, I had an idea and felt the need to put it out there.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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