I Love Pizza!!!

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Clementine to Clay Brick TF/TG/MC

Clementine was a troublesome 13 year old girl. He was just a straight up bully, just endlessly bothering others for her amusement.

She was sort of a brat, but not really. She still likes her older sister, Sheryl, who was a bit of a nerd, but we'll get to see her again in a future chapter...

Clementine was hanging around Sheryl, like usual. Sheryl was sitting around on the porch as usual. Clementine was running around her like a madwoman.

Their family dog, Biscuit, was laying down near the girls. He is a beagle who is awfully sweet. Sheryl would then look over at Clementine.

"I'm gonna go get a drink. You stay here, okay?" Sheryl told her.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Clementine responded as she continued to kick around her soccer ball.

Sheryl then got off of the porch and then walked away. Clementine then accidentally kicked her ball a little too far that it was in the middle of the road now.

Clementine then groaned and got up and slowly started to walk over there (now imagine it's a horror film and Clementine is slowly getting closer to the soccer ball as horror music is slowly intensifing).

She then bent over (NOT IN THAT WAY YOU DISGUSTING ANIMALS!) and then picked it up. She died to walk back over to the front yard until she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She then turned around, expecting Sheryl to be there. But just then...the bully felt true fear for the first time when she saw what was holding her shoulder.

"HELLO THERE CLEMENTINE!" Animatic happily greeted.

When Animatic tried to take her with him, Biscuit suddenly got up, ran over, and then bit his leg. Animatic shrieked and tried to shake him off. Clementine then ran off as Biscuit bit down harder.

Animatic just got pissed and then grabbed Biscuit by the neck. Biscuit continued to bite at him and was barking a lot, but then...


Let's just say Biscuit went bye bye...then Animatic dropped Biscuit's body and noticed Clementine right up at her door. When she died to open it, Animatic already grabbed her and then POP! they were both gone...

Clementine then found herself in the Animatic Battle world, with the grass being flat, and the bushes being red. Aniamyic then bit into her arm, sealing her fate.

Clementine shrieked in pain as she fell back. She looked at her arms to see them becoming skinnier and skinnier, until they were inhumanely skinny.

Clementine looked on in fear as her arms turned pitch black. As her legs suffered the same fate, she felt a jolt in her womanhood.

She felt confused and scared, and in pain when she felt her womanhood shriveling up into nothingness. Even though she was genderless, she felt like a HE.

He then felt his whole body slowly crushing on in itself, as it then slowly looked like the shape of a clay brick as it changed to a sort of aquamarine color.

His eyes then turned into black beady eyes as he felt his nose and ears sink into his face. His hair would then fall out into clumps as his mouth simplified into a line.

"Confused and scared!" Clementine managed to say out loud.

He was...confused as to why he said it like that. He didn't even try to say those words at all. It was as if he was speaking in another different language.

"...AAAAAAAAAGH!!!" Clementine screamed out in pain when the mental changes started.

Clame ntine held his head in pain as he felt his memories fading. He felt memories of Biscuit (R.I.P Biscuit ╥﹏╥) fading away from his mind.

Clay Brice then remembered that he was competing in Animatic Battle, in a team called MOST. He whimpered when he felt memories of Sheryl leaving his mind.

Now, Clementine was dead to the world, and Clay Brick stood in her place.

"Blub blub, I'm a fish!" Clay Brick happily exclaimed before going off to search for his team.


Shawn to Spas-12 TF/TG/MC

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