Part 1

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Two years ago,I got married to the richest man  in town and the CEO,Heeseung Lee.
Since then,we've been living in our spacious mansion in South Korea.
For these 2 years,my arranged marriage with Heeseung wasn't as bad I thought it'd be.
However,he always stayed cold and distant,never showing  love or affection towards me.And I hated it.
He had no idea,but for these 2 years,I slowly started to like him more and more each day.
But I never told him the truth,because I thought I'd just end up being heartbroken by his rejection.
I slowly rubbed my hand on my stomach,my touch light and gentle.
"Oh how I wish I could tell your daddy about you,precious baby."
I whispered to my stomach,smiling softly at it.
Just a week ago,I found out that I was 3 weeks pregnant with Heeseung's baby.However,I never had the courage to tell him since I thought he'd hate me for it.
Then,my husband walked in,his expression cold and serious as usual.
"Y/n." He said and looked me up and down,his gaze lingering on me for a few seconds before he continued.
"We've got a business party to attend tonight,make sure to be ready by 7:00pm and look presentable."
I just looked at him in the eyes,my tone now softer than usual and i said to him. "Oh okay,but can we maybe talk?I've got something to tell you."
Heeseung just looked at me for a few seconds before he checked his watch and sighed.
"Sorry Y/n,but I've got a meeting to attend.Let's talk later."
Saying that,Heeseung left without even giving me a chance to respond.
I scoffed because he left without hearing me out and i sat on the bed.
"Whatever." I mumbled under my breath before letting out a sigh in frustration.
Later at the bussiness party,I walked beside Heeseung,holding his arm.
Some of his workers came towards us to greet us,and I gave them a smile,greeting them back.
I decided to look around and observe my surroundings and I noticed that there were people everywhere.
Some of them were eating the food from the table while others were chatting and laughing while holding a glass of wine.
Everyone seemed to be having fun,I thought.
A girl approached me with a smile on her face."Omg hi,Y/n!" She said and stole a glance at looked me up and down.
I turned my head to look at her as she spoke,my eyes widening immediately.It was Ji-woo,Heeseung's ex.
I sighed before looking at her and greeted her by nodding.
"Hi,Ji-woo."I said and looked her up and down.
"How are you?"She asked me with a smile.
"I'm okay,thank you." I replied,an emotionless expression on my face.
"I heard you got married to Heeseung two years ago,am I right?"
I paused for a second and didn't answer her.I knew why she was asking that.I was sure that she was still in love with Heeseung and wanted him back,but it was too late.
"Yeah.Yeah,I did." I said. "And our marriage is going pretty well so far."
"Oh,that's good.Im glad you two are happy together." Ji-woo said glaring at me,jealousy visible in her face.
As I was about to ask something,she spilled her drink on me,the wine getting everywhere on my dress.
"Oh no!" She exclaimed with a fake shocked expression."I'm so sorry!That just..slipped out of my hand."
She looked at me,pretending to be sorry,but I could see the satisfied smirk on her face.
Before I could say anything Heeseung came towards us and looked at me then at Ji-woo.
"What's happening here?" He asked and looked at us with a confused expression.
"Heeseung,your ex spilled her drink on my dress on purpose." I said and pointed to Ji-woo who pretended to be innocent.
"What?" *She said with a surprised expression."Trust me,I would never do that.I think your wife just doesn't like me,Hee."She said and smirked one more time while Heeseung was still looking at me and her at the same time.With an annoyed sigh,he put his coat on my shoulders and led me to the bathroom.
I was surprised,but didn't say anything.We both silently walked to the bathroom before he stopped in front of the sink and looked at me.
"I swear,Heeseung,your ex is crazy and she hates me-" Just then,he cut me off.
"I know,and I believe you,Y/n."
"You do?" I asked with  surprise in my tone.
"Yes,I do.Ever since i started dating her years ago she has always been this jealous.Whenever she'd see me with a female coworker,she'd make a scene and say that I was cheating on her.Im glad I ended things with her after that."
There was a short pause and an awkward silence which was interrupted by Heeseung who spoke again,his tone serious.
"And I'm sorry that she even did that to you in the first place.She can really be crazy and I hope she didn't hurt you."
I however,still looked at him,surprised by his sudden concern and shook my head slightly.
"No,she didn't hurt me.She just spilled her drink on me."
Heeseung looked at me before giving me a nod. "Well,I can call our driver to drive us home.I'm sure you don't want to stay at this party anymore,plus I can see that you're tired." Although Heeseung was genuinely concerned about her,he didn't admit that.However,his actions said it all.
I just nodded my head and said."Yeah,that would actually be nice,I do feel a bit tired."
Later as we both got home,I was in the kitchen cutting some fruits,but I jumped when I fell someone's arms wrap around my waist and a head rest on my shoulder.I looked up just to see Heeseung behind me.
He was looking at me and I heard him speak in his deep voice.
"What are you doing?"
He asked me before looking down to the cutting board.
"I'm just cutting some fruits"
He hummed slightly in response and extended his arm before taking a strawberry from the cutting board and ate it.
I looked up at him and didn't say anything as I watched him enjoy the strawberry.
As I continued to cut the fruits,I felt so shocked when he put his hands on top of mine and held them gently as i held the knife,and he held me cut the fruits.
For some reason,my face flushed a bit as I felt flustered and I could see him smirk at the sight.
Suddenly,he took the knife out of my hand and picked me up before placing me on the counter.
"What are you doing?.." I asked him with visible shock in my eyes.
"What,am I not allowed to be affectionate with my wife?" He asked with a smirk.
I didn't say anything and just stayed gueit.There was a short pause and some awkward silence which Heeseung interrupted.
"You know..I heard the way you were talking about me to your friend.Do you actually like me?"
My breath hitched at his question.Had he really heard me talking to Jasmine about him?
I didn't dare to look at him out of embarrassment.
He chuckled softly at my shyness and tilted my chin up,making me look at him.
"Come on Y/n." He said with a smile.
"Be honest with me.Do you actually like me like I heard you telling your friend?"
I swallowed hard before answering him. "Uhm I.." I tried to say something,but my words trailed off.So instead I just nodded.
Upon seeing me nod,Heeseung backed off just a little since he didn't expect me to actually confirm it.
But as he took in my words he came closer again and leaned in closer.
"You know," He whispered."I actually like you too.I've had for a while now."
After that,he leaned in even closer and without giving me a chance to answer,he kissed me on my lips gently before closing his eyes.
I froze right away when our lips touched and my eyes widened immediately.I couldn't believe that this was actually happening,but once I processed what was happening,I found myself kiss him back.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms wrapped around my waist as we both kissed for a while.
Once he pulled away we both made eye contact and I was unable to hide my satisfied smile.
"Did you like that,princess?" He asked me with a surprisingly soft tone,his hand caressing my jawline.
I nodded at him and continued to smile. "Actually yes,that felt nice."
I admitted with a smile.
He smiled back at me and started to caress my cheek.
"So you're telling me all this time we both actually liked each other and said nothing?" He asked me.
I shrugged and said softly* "I guess that's exactly what happened." I replied. "But..I'm glad that we told each other how we truly feel." *He nodded at me and smiled.
"Me too.I love you,Y/n."
My smile widened as I heard him say that and I held his hand in mine.
"I love you too,Hee.More than you could imagine."
He then put me down gently and without saying anything else he hugged me.
I was a bit shocked at first,but immediately hugged him back and let out a relaxed sigh.
Heeseung then remembered something and asked me.
"Hey earlier today you said you wanted to talk about something with me.What was it about?"
I immediately went guiet upon hearing his question.I knew that since he had asked me,there was no backing down now.I had to tell him,sooner or later.
I let out a sigh before I looked up at him and said in a lower voice.
"Okay uhm,I'm a bit nervous to say it since I don't know how would you react."
He noticed my nervous expression and smiled softly at me,now rubbing his fingers against my cheek.
This was the first time I'd ever see him so affectionate,but it felt so nice.
His light and gentle touch made me feel a bit better and I decided to just tell him what was on my mind.
"Hee..I'm pregnant." I blurted out after taking a deep breath and looked up at him,waiting for his reaction.I could see his eyes widen and i was sure that he didn't expect to hear that.
"You're..what?" He asked me.
"I'm pregnant.." I repeated this time more guietly as I sounded uncertain.
But I knew that,eventually,I should tell him the truth.After all,I can't hide this for whole 9 months.He would have found out eventually and he would have been even more shocked if he found out after my pregnancy was almost over.
I could see the shock and disbelief in his eyes as he spoke,his voice now surprisingly trembling.
"You're..pregnant with my baby?Are you serious?"
As I got the pregnancy test out of my pants' pocket I handed it to him and nodded. "Yeah..I'm dead serious"
There was another short pause and awkward silence as Heeseung was holding the test and looking at it.
He then looked back at me and pulled me closer,giving me a hug without saying anything.
I was so surprised by his action and whispered. "Aren't you mad at me?"
He pulled back a bit to look at me,his expression soft. "Mad?Why should I be mad?You're carrying my baby,Y/n.I could never be mad at you for such thing."
Before I could say anything else he hugged me again.
"Y/n,I promise you that from now on,I'll be here for you and for this baby.I love you both."
He said with a smile,even though his words were a bit muffled since his head was buried in my neck as he hugged me.
As I heard his words,I stroked his hair and said softly.
"I love you too,and I know that this baby loves you too."

|Hope you enjoyed this part of the story!Stay tuned for part 2!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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